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Last active September 30, 2020 13:50
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example of how to forward ssh-agent into an lxc
# Example Script to forward ssh-agent socket into an unprivileged lxc
# This allows access to the ssh-agent by commands executed with lxc-attach
set -m
CONTAINER=$1 # e.g., test-container
REMOTE=$2 # e.g,
bash -c "
trap '{ kill 0; exit; kill 0; }' SIGINT;
lxc-usernsexec rm .local/share/lxc/$CONTAINER/rootfs/tmp/ssh-agent-sock;
while true;
do socat UNIX:$SSH_AUTH_SOCK EXEC:'lxc-usernsexec socat STDIN UNIX-LISTEN\:.local/share/lxc/$CONTAINER/rootfs/tmp/ssh-agent-sock'
" &
# do your stuff here
lxc-attach -v SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/ssh-agent-sock -n $CONTAINER -- ssh $REMOTE
# clean up when done
kill -sigint -$pid
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