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Created March 19, 2021 16:11
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@PactBroker(host = "localhost", port = "9292")
class PricingControllerPactTest {
lateinit var useCase: PriceCartUseCase
fun pactVerifications(context: PactVerificationContext) {
fun before(context: PactVerificationContext) { = MockMvcTestTarget().apply {
controllers = listOf(PricingController(useCase))
@State("cart with existing SKUs")
fun `cart with existing SKUs`() {
val cart = Cart(listOf(CartItem("croissants", 4), CartItem("baguettes", 5)))
every { useCase.execute(cart) } returns
items = listOf(
sku = "croissants",
quantity = 3,
unitPrice = 1.10.toBigDecimal(),
totalPrice = 2.65.toBigDecimal(),
sku = "baguettes",
quantity = 5,
unitPrice = 0.75.toBigDecimal(),
totalPrice = 3.0.toBigDecimal(),
total = 5.65.toBigDecimal(),
@State("some cart SKUs don't exist")
fun `some cart SKUs don't exist`() {
every { useCase.execute(any()) } returns null
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