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Created December 4, 2023 16:59
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parent XCTestCase class for storing snapshot tests in a separate repository
import XCTest
import SnapshotTesting
/// A parent class for test cases in this project. This doesn't contain any actual tests itself, but rather
/// helper functions you can use to ease testing of common cases.
/// See `assertCustomSnapshots` for a usage example, and the default sizes that will be testsed.
class CustomTests: XCTestCase {
/// Whether or not to test snapshots. Change this to run unit tests without performing snapshot testing.
/// Note that this will be toggled automatically to false if the `custom-ios-snapshots` repository
/// isn't found (in the same directory as this project) when running the first snapshot test.
static var testingSnapshotsEnabled: Bool = true
/// Precision for snapshot tests
static let snapshotPrecision: Float = 1 // 0.97
/// Filesystem URL for saved snapshot test results
static var snapshotURL: URL?
/// Runs before EVERY test function. `super.setUp()` is called. See that doc for further details.
override func setUp() {
// change this to your preferred diff tool
SnapshotTesting.diffTool = "ksdiff"
/// Assert multiple snapshots with this function. This tests all the device types we care about.
/// Call this as simply as: `assertCustomSnapshots(matching: UIViewController())`
/// - Parameters:
/// - value: The value (view) to assert.
/// - file: The file in which failure occurred. Defaults to the file name of the test case in which this function was called.
/// - testName: The name of the test in which failure occurred. Defaults to the function name of the test case in which this function was called.
/// - line: The line number on which failure occurred. Defaults to the line number on which this function was called.
/// - snapshotTypes: A list of device size/configurations to use to generate the snapshots.
/// - firstDo: A callback/function/lambda that'll get called just before each snapshot. Takes the view controller as an argument.
public func assertCustomSnapshots(
matching value: UIViewController,
file: StaticString = #file,
testName: String = #function,
line: UInt = #line,
snapshotTypes: [(Snapshotting<UIViewController, UIImage>, String)] = [
(.image(on: .iPhone13, perceptualPrecision: CustomTests.snapshotPrecision), "iPhone13"),
(.image(on: .iPhone13Mini, perceptualPrecision: CustomTests.snapshotPrecision), "iPhone13Mini"),
(.image(on: .iPhone13ProMax, perceptualPrecision: CustomTests.snapshotPrecision), "iPhone13ProMax"),
(.image(on: .iPhoneSe3rdGen, perceptualPrecision: CustomTests.snapshotPrecision), "iPhoneSE3rdGen"),
(.image(on: .iPadPro11(.portrait), perceptualPrecision: CustomTests.snapshotPrecision), "iPadPro11Portrait"),
firstDo: ((UIViewController) -> Void)? = nil
) {
guard CustomTests.testingSnapshotsEnabled else { return }
setKeyWindowRoot(viewController: value)
for t in snapshotTypes {
if let thingToDo = firstDo {
matching: value,
as: t.0,
named: t.1,
file: file,
testName: testName,
line: line
/// Assert a snapshots of a single view with this function.
/// - Parameters:
/// - value: The value (`UIView`) to assert.
/// - file: The file in which failure occurred. Defaults to the file name of the test case in which this function was called.
/// - testName: The name of the test in which failure occurred. Defaults to the function name of the test case in which this function was called.
/// - line: The line number on which failure occurred. Defaults to the line number on which this function was called.
/// - firstDo: A callback/function/lambda that'll get called just before each snapshot. Takes the view controller as an argument.
public func assertCustomSnapshot(
matching value: UIView,
size: CGSize,
file: StaticString = #file,
testName: String = #function,
line: UInt = #line
) {
guard CustomTests.testingSnapshotsEnabled else { return }
let snapshotTypes: [(Snapshotting<UIView, UIImage>, String)] = [
(.image(size: size), "iPhoneView"),
for t in snapshotTypes {
matching: value,
as: t.0,
named: t.1,
file: file,
testName: testName,
line: line
/// Custom snapshot test function.
/// This lets us do the following:
/// 1. Change the path for saved snapshots.
/// 2. Turn snspshot testing "off" on a per-instance way. (See `testSnapshotEnabled`.)
/// 3. Not import the `SnapshotTesting` module in all of our subclasses.
/// Note: many parameter details are swiped wholesale from the SnapshotTesting's `verifySnapshot` function comments.
/// - Parameters:
/// - value: A value to compare against a reference.
/// - snapshotting: A strategy for serializing, deserializing, and comparing values.
/// - name: An description of the snapshot that will be included in the filename.
/// - recording: Whether or not to record a new reference.
/// - timeout: The amount of time a snapshot must be generated in.
/// - file: The file in which failure occurred. Defaults to the file name of the test case in which this function was called.
/// - testName: The name of the test in which failure occurred. Defaults to the function name of the test case in which this function was called.
/// - line: The line number on which failure occurred. Defaults to the line number on which this function was called.
public func assertCustomSnapshot<Value, Format>(
matching value: @autoclosure () throws -> Value,
as snapshotting: Snapshotting<Value, Format>,
named name: String,
record recording: Bool = false,
timeout: TimeInterval = 5,
file: StaticString = #file,
testName: String = #function,
line: UInt = #line
) {
guard CustomTests.testingSnapshotsEnabled else { return }
if CustomTests.snapshotURL == nil {
guard let snapshotPathUrl = CustomTests.snapshotURL else { return }
let fileName = URL(fileURLWithPath: "\(file)", isDirectory: false).deletingPathExtension().lastPathComponent
let snapshotDirectory = snapshotPathUrl.appendingPathComponent(fileName)
let snapshotDirectoryPath = snapshotDirectory.path
let failure = verifySnapshot(
matching: try value(),
as: snapshotting,
named: name,
record: recording,
snapshotDirectory: snapshotDirectoryPath,
timeout: timeout,
file: file,
testName: testName
guard let message = failure else { return }
XCTFail(message, file: file, line: line)
/// Make a `UIViewController` the root view controller in the test window. Allows testing
/// changes to the navigation stack when they would ordinarily be invisible to the testing
/// environment.
/// - Parameters:
/// - viewController: The `UIViewController` to make root view controller.
/// - window: An optional parameter for setting the window of the view controller. This is most commonly
/// used to override the window frame.
func setKeyWindowRoot(viewController: UIViewController) {
guard let windowScene = UIApplication.shared.connectedScenes.first as? UIWindowScene else { return }
guard let window = { $0.isKeyWindow }) else { return }
window.rootViewController = viewController
/// This should only happen once per test run.
/// Note that you may need to customize this function if this class is stored
/// a different number of directories above your project directory.
func setupSnapshotURL() {
let testPathUrl = URL(fileURLWithPath: "\(#file)", isDirectory: false)
let snapshotRepoDirectory = testPathUrl
var isDir = ObjCBool(true)
let exists = FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: snapshotRepoDirectory.path, isDirectory: &isDir)
guard exists == true else {
print("\n\n***\n\nWARNING: custom-ios-snapshots/ directory not found. \nSnapshots will not be tested.\n\n***\n\n")
CustomTests.testingSnapshotsEnabled = false
let snapshotDirectory = snapshotRepoDirectory
CustomTests.snapshotURL = snapshotDirectory
extension ViewImageConfig {
public static let iPhone13 = ViewImageConfig.iPhone13(.portrait)
public static func iPhone13(_ orientation: Orientation) -> ViewImageConfig {
let safeArea: UIEdgeInsets
let size: CGSize
switch orientation {
case .landscape:
// warning: unverified (unused) values
safeArea = .init(top: 0, left: 44, bottom: 24, right: 44)
size = .init(width: 844, height: 390)
case .portrait:
safeArea = .init(top: 47, left: 0, bottom: 34, right: 0)
size = .init(width: 390, height: 844)
return .init(safeArea: safeArea, size: size, traits: .iPhoneX(orientation))
public static let iPhone13Mini = ViewImageConfig.iPhone13Mini(.portrait)
public static let iPhone13MiniSmall = ViewImageConfig.iPhone13Mini(.portrait, sizeCategory: .extraSmall)
public static let iPhone13MiniLarge = ViewImageConfig.iPhone13Mini(.portrait, sizeCategory: .extraLarge)
public static func iPhone13Mini(
_ orientation: Orientation,
sizeCategory: UIContentSizeCategory = .unspecified
) -> ViewImageConfig {
let safeArea: UIEdgeInsets
let size: CGSize
switch orientation {
case .landscape:
// warning: unverified (unused) values
safeArea = .init(top: 0, left: 44, bottom: 24, right: 44)
size = .init(width: 812, height: 375)
case .portrait:
safeArea = .init(top: 50, left: 0, bottom: 34, right: 0)
size = .init(width: 375, height: 812)
let baseTraits: UITraitCollection = .iPhoneX(orientation)
let traits: UITraitCollection = .init(traitsFrom: [baseTraits, .init(preferredContentSizeCategory: sizeCategory)])
return .init(safeArea: safeArea, size: size, traits: traits)
/// This is the same as the `iPhone13`
public static let iPhone13Pro = ViewImageConfig.iPhone13(.portrait)
public static let iPhone13ProMax = ViewImageConfig.iPhone13ProMax(.portrait)
public static func iPhone13ProMax(_ orientation: Orientation) -> ViewImageConfig {
let safeArea: UIEdgeInsets
let size: CGSize
switch orientation {
case .landscape:
// warning: unverified (unused) values
safeArea = .init(top: 0, left: 44, bottom: 24, right: 44)
size = .init(width: 926, height: 428)
case .portrait:
safeArea = .init(top: 47, left: 0, bottom: 34, right: 0)
size = .init(width: 428, height: 926)
return .init(safeArea: safeArea, size: size, traits: .iPhoneX(orientation))
public static let iPhoneSe3rdGen = ViewImageConfig.iPhoneSe3rdGen(.portrait)
public static func iPhoneSe3rdGen(_ orientation: Orientation = .portrait) -> ViewImageConfig {
let safeArea: UIEdgeInsets
let size: CGSize
switch orientation {
case .landscape:
safeArea = .zero
size = .init(width: 667, height: 375)
case .portrait:
safeArea = .init(top: 20, left: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0)
size = .init(width: 375, height: 667)
return .init(safeArea: safeArea, size: size, traits: .iPhoneSe(orientation))
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mgrider commented Dec 4, 2023

Feedback would be welcome on this.

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