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Created January 26, 2017 09:00
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VBScript で JSON 文字列 を使う
option Explicit
dim doc, jsonStr, js, elm
set doc = CreateObject("htmlfile")
jsonStr = "{""user"":{""id"":""mgng"", ""name"": ""ムグ""}}"
js = _
"var json = " & jsonStr & ";" & _
"var div = document.createElement('div');" & _
"div.setAttribute('id', 'id_elm');" & _
"div.setAttribute('data-id',;" & _
"div.setAttribute('data-name',;" & _
doc.parentWindow.execScript js, "JavaScript"
set elm = doc.getElementById("id_elm")
WScript.Echo elm.getAttribute("data-id")
WScript.Echo elm.getAttribute("data-name")
' mgng
' ムグ
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