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Last active September 10, 2021 04:44
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accessibility cheatsheet

JS tricks

document.body.addEventListener('focusin', (event) => {
export const getFocusableNodes = (node, includeNegativeTabIndex) => {
  const nodes = [
    ...node.querySelectorAll('a, button, input, textarea, select, details, [tabindex]:not([tabindex="-1"])'),
  const focusables = nodes.filter((node) => {
    if (node.hasAttribute('disabled')) return false;
    if (includeNegativeTabIndex) return true;

    return node.getAttribute('tabindex') !== '-1';

  return focusables;

Css tricks

  .opacity {
    opacity: 0; /* computed in layout, exist in accessibility tree */

  .display-none {
    display: none; /* not computed  in laout nor in accessibility tree */

  .hidden {
    visibility: hidden; /* computed in layout, not in accessibility tree*/

  .visually-hidden {
    /* exist in layout but doesn't take space, exist in accessibility tree  */
    border: 0;
    clip: rect(0 0 0 0);
    height: 1px;
    margin: -1px;
    overflow: hidden;
    padding: 0;
    position: absolute;
    width: 1px;



  • In 2019, limit for AA is 4.5:1 and AAA is 7:1

Good to know

  • aria-labelledby allows to reference an id representing the element owning label / title

  • aria-describedby same as above but for the content

  • aria-live informs that the block is subject to modifications without a full page reload (for arguments of the attr: NOT PUT IN CONDITIONAL RENDERING

  • aria-invalid informs that a field value is invalid (for arguments of the attr:

  • we should propose a way to make the main content focusable (skipping nav) to directly access information. The idea is to put a link visually hidden and when focused (first link on the page, so first tab), it appears and can be clicked to access the main content

  • Browser offers the capability to modify the size of the body element but not the others: use REM for people with vision problems

  • Remove "user-scalable=no" from the meta headers

  • prefers-reduced-motion for people having vestibular disorders / neurodivergence should apply on things moving on the screen (animating a self element should be okay) check the coga taskforce (

  • make sure to use a valid font to avoid triggering eye strain

Other, links

COmponents tricks

  • We can't hide the native checkbox using .sr-only, we need to position it under the custom styled checkbox so that it's reachable with haptics on android devices
  • it's okay to show a tbody with colspan/rowspan in order to show a loding indicator when necessary (or use an overlay if not necessary)
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