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Created January 11, 2024 16:01
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Generate self-signed certificate which browser knows them
openssl genrsa -des3 -out rootCA.key 4096
openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key rootCA.key -sha256 -days 1024 -out rootCA.crt
function genssl() {
openssl genrsa -out "$" 2048
openssl req -new -sha256 \
-key "$" \
-subj "/C=IR/ST=Tehran/O=MPG/OU=Chat/CN=$" \
-reqexts SAN \
-config <(cat /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf <(printf "\n[SAN]\nsubjectAltName=DNS:$")) \
-out "$"
openssl x509 -req -extfile <(printf "subjectAltName=DNS:$") -days 1200 -in "$" -CA rootCA.crt -CAkey rootCA.key -CAcreateserial -out "$" -sha256
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