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Forked from kopischke/markdown2evernote.rb
Last active September 30, 2016 11:37
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#!/usr/bin/env ruby -wKU
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Adapted from Brett Terpstra’s original “Markdown to Evernote” service (
# Martin Kopischke 2011 – License: Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike (CC BY-SA) 3.0 Unported (
# Changes: – support for setting the creation date with 'Date:' MMD metadata attribute
# – create only one Evernote note per (Multi)Markdown input passed (instead of one per line)
# – do not choke on shell escape characters (use Tempfile instead of shell pipe for osascript)
# – default to MultiMarkdown 3 executable (instead of MMD 2 Perl script)
# – make smart typography processing optional (set SMARTY to 'false' to bypass processing;
# note smart typography cannot be disabled in MMD 3.0 and 3.0.1
# – handle both smart typography processing scripts (ie.
# and (Multi)Markdown processor extensions (i.e. '--smart' and MMD's upcoming '--nosmart')
# – handle both command line switches to (Multi)Markdown processor and separate smart typography processors
# – restrict parsing for metadata (note title, tags, target notebook) to the metadata block as per MMD spec
# note atx style 1st level headings will be parsed anywhere, as they terminate the metadata block anyway
# – specify note title in metadata block MMD style, using 'Title: <name>' (not just as 1st level heading)
# – specify target notebook in metadata block either with '= <name>' or MMD style, using 'Notebook: <name>'
# – specify tags in metadata block either with '@ <tag list>' or MMD style, using 'Keywords: <tag list>'
# – correctly parse tag names with punctuation (no commas) and other “special” characters
# – correctly assign multiple tags (instead of quietly failing)
# – correctly parse all flavors of 1st level atx headings (not just those following the hash with a space)
# – use localized date time stamp from AppleScript (instead of US formatted) as fallback note title
# – use Evernote default notebook if none is indicated in input (instead of 'Unfiled')
# – added minimal sanity checks (like make sure Markdown executable actually exists and is executable)
# – runs on Ruby 1.8 and 1.9
# To do: – process settext 1st level headings
# – ignore Markdown 1st level headings when a 'Title:' metadata line is found?
# Markdown executable path
# – edit to match your install location if non-default
# – pre-version 3 MMD script usually is '~/Application Support/MultiMarkDown/bin/'
MARKDOWN = '/usr/local/bin/multimarkdown'
Process.exit unless File.executable?(MARKDOWN)
# Smart typography (aka SmartyPants) switch
SMARTY = true
# – Smart typography processing via MARKDOWN extension
# enable with '--smart' for PEG Markdown, disable using '--nosmart' in upcoming MMD version 3
SMARTY_EXT_ON = '--smart'
SMARTY_EXT_OFF = '--nosmart'
# – Separate smart typography processor (i.e.
# set to path to (for classic Markdown and MMD pre-version 3, usually same dir as (Multi)
# set to '' to use SMARTY_EXT instead
if SMARTY && !SMARTY_PATH.empty? then Process.exit unless File.executable?(SMARTY_PATH) end
# utility function: escape double quotes and backslashes (for AppleScript)
def escape(str)
str.to_s.gsub(/(?=["\\])/, '\\')
# utility function: enclose string in double quotes
def quote(str)
'"' << str.to_s << '"'
# buffer
input = ''
# processed data
contents = ''
title = ''
tags = ''
notebook = ''
date = ''
# operation switches
metadata = true
# parse for metadata and pass all non-metadata to input
ARGF.each_line do |line|
case line
# note title (either MMD metadata 'Title' – must occur before the first blank line – or atx style 1st level heading)
when /^Title:\s.*?/
if metadata then title = line[7..-1].strip else input << line end
# strip all 1st level headings as logically, note title is 1st level
when /^#[^#]+?/
if title.empty? then title = line[line.index(/[^#]/)..-1].strip end
# note tags (either MMD metadata 'Keywords' or '@ <tag list>'; must occur before the first blank line)
when /^(Keywords:|@)\s.*?/
if metadata then tags = line[line.index(/\s/)+1..-1].split(',').map {|tag| tag = tag.strip} else input << line end
# notebook (either MMD metadata 'Notebook' or '= <name>'; must occur before the first blank line)
when /^(Notebook:|=)\s.*?/
if metadata then notebook = line[line.index(/\s/)+1..-1].strip else input << line end
# datek (either MMD metadata 'Date'; must occur before the first blank line)
when /^(Date:)\s.*?/
if metadata then date = line[line.index(/\s/)+1..-1].strip else input << line end
# metadata block ends at first blank line
when /^\s?$/
if metadata then metadata = false end
input << line
# anything else is appended to input
input << line
# Markdown processing
mmd_cmd = "#{quote MARKDOWN}"
mmd_cmd << if SMARTY_PATH.empty? then SMARTY ? " #{SMARTY_EXT_ON}" : " #{SMARTY_EXT_OFF}" else "|#{quote SMARTY_PATH}" end unless !SMARTY
IO.popen(mmd_cmd, 'r+') do |io|
input.each_line {|line| io << line}
io.each_line {|line| contents << line}
# create note, using localized date and time stamp as fallback for title
if title.empty? then title = %x{osascript -e 'get (current date) as text'}.chomp end
osa_cmd = "tell application #{quote 'Evernote'} to create note with html #{quote escape contents}"
osa_cmd << " title #{quote escape title}"
if tags.length > 1 then osa_cmd << " tags #{'{' << {|tag| tag = quote escape tag}.join(",") << '}'}" end
if tags.length == 1 then osa_cmd << " tags #{quote escape tags[0]}" end
osa_cmd << " notebook #{quote escape notebook}" unless notebook.empty?
osa_cmd << " created date #{quote escape date}" unless date.empty?
require 'tempfile''md2evernote') do |file|
file.puts osa_cmd
%x{osascript "#{file.path}"}
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