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Website Contract [month] [year]

Description of this Contract

This contract is not meant to trick or deceive you; the intention is purely to protect both parties. I have tried to keep the wording as plain as possible, but if anything is unclear, please let me know and I will be more than happy to clarify it with you. Also, until you sign it, please feel free to request to change bits of it to suit your requirements.

In short, [client name] is contracting me, [my name], to [description of my role] between [start date and finish date].

By signing this, you are confirming that you have the power and ability to enter into this contract on behalf of [client's company].

You also acknowledge that I will not infringe or violate the rights of any third party or break any laws.


I will develop [prototype/website] using HTML and CSS. [If prototypes:] These will be tested and intended for the most current, up to date version of Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari and Firefox, but will not be intended for older browsers. I will also optimise the prototypes to work on mobile devices and tablets. [If website:] I will test the sites in the current major browsers, specifically the most recent version of Mozilla Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Internet Explorer versions 8 and 9. I will be testing that they are accessible and work in a similar way across these browsers, but not necessarily in an identical way. I will also test the site in the default browser on the iPhone and iPad, and on Android’s default browser. I will not be testing in antiquated or uncommon browsers unless otherwise specified.

If you need to show the same or similar visual design to users across these browsers, it will take me longer to develop so I will need to charge you for additional coding and testing at my daily rate on top of any original estimate.

Any estimated price quoted is based on the number of days I predict it will take to complete everything listed in a specification. If you decide at some point down the line that you would like to make additions to any original specification we have both agreed on, this won't be a problem, and you will be charged at a daily or hourly rate (as appropriate) on top of that original estimation. You will need to put your requests in writing so that I can keep track of changes.

I cannot guarantee any improvement to a search engine ranking, nor can I promise to get a site higher up or to the 'top of Google', but I build every site in a way that is accessible to search engines in an effort to increase its chances. (I concentrate on how people use a site, not how they get there.)

Content for the website such as text and images will need to be provided and input by yourself, as I am not responsible for this. I also do not manage website or email hosting, but if you would like some recommendations of hosting providers, I'd be happy to provide these.

I may need to assign sub contractors to the project to ensure it is completed on time, and in this event, I would need to disclose information about the project to them.


By working with you, I am warranting that I have the experience and ability to perform the services required by this contract, and that I will run the project in a professional, competent and timely manner.

However, deadlines work two ways I can't be responsible for a missed deadline or launch date if you have been late at supplying materials or information, or if you have not approved or signed off work on schedule at any stage. You agree to provide me with everything I need to complete the project such as feedback, content, text and images as and when I need them, and in the format I have requested. You also agree to follow the payment schedule set out at the end of this contract.


You guarantee that any text, graphics, video footage, designs, trademarks, or any other content you provide me for publishing in the project are owned by your organisation, or that you have permission to use them for the purpose intended.  When I receive your final payment, the copyright of the work I have produced for that project is assigned to you as follows:

You own any graphics and visual elements that I have created for you. You must store a copy of these because I am not required to keep them. You also own anything that you have provided to me, unless someone else owns them.

The code I have written cannot be resold without permission. If I use any code or images that I have not produced myself for this project, such as from a code library or in a content management system, or any stock images with their own licence, this belongs to its respective owner, and their original licence must be retained and respected.


In order for me to work on your site, I may need access to your hosting account and domain registrar (if you have one), and have any necessary 'write permission' for the site directory or programs that need to be accessed for this project.

During projects, I often write blog posts or mention the project on my personal website to help others learn about web design, and also to get feedback from others and help create a 'buzz' about the project before it is completed. I may also add it to my online portfolio on my website. I will be sensitive and considerate about what I post, but if you would prefer I didn't mention the project online to others, or if you’d like me to hold back until after launch, please let me know.


Any work requested after the project has been completed will be charged at my daily rate. I can't guarantee that all the web pages will always be error free, but if you do spot any errors, you can request minor modifications and corrections to be made if they are requested within a two-week period after my last day working on the project. 

Payment Schedule

You are hiring me on a contractual basis at my rate of [my rate plus VAT] a day, and I will send an invoice at the end of each month for the days I have worked during that month.

I'm sure you'll understand that as I am working as a sole trader, it is vital that the people I work for pay the invoices I send them by the due date on the invoice [on receipt/14 days/30 days]. Please pay in [currency] by BACS. Payment instructions will be printed on the invoice.

My rate is subject to change, but will not change during the length of this contract.

If the invoice goes overdue, an automated reminder will be sent, and I will start charging the Bank of England’s base rate of interest for the period that the invoice is overdue.

You agree to reimburse me for any additional purchases or expenses necessary for completion of the work, such as special fonts, stock photography, software, train tickets etc. (I will ask for permission from you first before making any of these purchases.)

Limited Liability

You agree that any material submitted for publication will not contain any illegal or unethical materials, including any infringement of privacy or libel. You also assure that the site will not publish such material after completion. You maintain responsibility for data backups and restoration. If you wish to claim for damages, losses and causes of actions, this shall not exceed the amount that you paid for the project.


Although I have aimed to keep the language plain and simple, the intentions are serious and this contract is a legal document under exclusive jurisdiction of English courts.

The undersigned confirm that they have read, understood and agreed to the requirements in this contract.

Name: [my name] Signature: Date:

Name: [client name] Signature: Date:

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