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Created August 12, 2024 17:32
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Launch or bring wezterm into focus
test -z "$WEZTERM_CONFIG_FILE" && test -f /home/dev/src/scripts/wezterm.lua && export WEZTERM_CONFIG_FILE=/home/dev/src/scripts/wezterm.lua
# get binary name by looking at 'Exec' value in .desktop file.
BIN=$(grep -P '^Exec=' $DESKTOP_FILE | cut -f 2 -d '=' |cut -f 1 -d ' ')
# wezterm does put its name in window title. so wmctrl is not able to find it.
# check if app is already running by looking for its PID
PID=$(pgrep "$BIN")
# launch app if pid does not exist
test -z "$PID" && /usr/bin/gio launch "$DESKTOP_FILE" && exit 0
# control would reach here only if an instance of app is running, which means PID would not be empty.
# grab hex identity of the window using pid and wmctrl
WINDOW_IDENTITY=$(/usr/bin/wmctrl -lp | grep "$PID" | cut -f 1 -d ' ')
# raise the window using the identity.
/usr/bin/wmctrl -i -a "$WINDOW_IDENTITY"
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meowtochondria commented Aug 12, 2024

  1. You'll need to install wmctrl
  2. Make sure line #3 points to correct file for you. You can remove this line if you use config in a place that wezterm automatically loads.
  3. DESKTOP_FILE in line #5 is default path when you install using .deb file. In case your installation method is different, change it accordingly.

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