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Created October 22, 2017 16:37
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//: A UIKit based Playground for presenting user interface
import UIKit
import PlaygroundSupport
protocol ListGroceriesPresenter {
func show(groceries: [Int])
func show(grocery: Int)
func showEmptyView()
final class ListGroceriesUserCase {
private let presenter: ListGroceriesPresenter
init(presenter: ListGroceriesPresenter) {
self.presenter = presenter
func list(groceries: [Int]) {
if groceries.count > 1 { groceries)
} if let grocery = groceries.first { grocery)
} else {
final class GroceryListView: UIView, ListGroceriesPresenter {
init() {}
func show(groceries: [Int]) {
print("Olha estou apresentando uma listagem")
func show(grocery: Int) {
print("Olha estou apresentando um unico item")
func showEmptyView() {
print("Olha estou apresentando nada")
protocol GroceryGateway {
func getGroceryList(onSucess: ([Int]) -> ())
class GroceryListController {
private var mainView: GroceryListView = GroceryListView()
private let groceryGateway: GroceryGateway
init(groceryGateway: GroceryGateway) {
self.groceryGateway = groceryGateway
func carregarListagem() {
let listGroceryUseCase = ListGroceriesUserCase(presenter: mainView)
groceryGateway.getGroceryList(onSucess: { groceries in
listGroceryUseCase.list(groceries: groceries)
// Present the view controller in the Live View window
PlaygroundPage.current.liveView = MyViewController()
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