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Created August 5, 2020 14:58
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  • Save membphis/a0a0251dc87ee99eacac2cc736ee30fd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save membphis/a0a0251dc87ee99eacac2cc736ee30fd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
$ cat
ETCDCTL_API=2 etcdctl rm -r /apisix
make init
make run
curl -H 'X-API-KEY: edd1c9f034335f136f87ad84b625c8f1' -X PUT -d '
"cert": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIEojCCAwqgAwIBAgIJAK253pMhgCkxMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMFYxCzAJBgNV\nBAYTAkNOMRIwEAYDVQQIDAlHdWFuZ0RvbmcxDzANBgNVBAcMBlpodUhhaTEPMA0G\nA1UECgwGaXJlc3R5MREwDwYDVQQDDAh0ZXN0LmNvbTAgFw0xOTA2MjQyMjE4MDVa\nGA8yMTE5MDUzMTIyMTgwNVowVjELMAkGA1UEBhMCQ04xEjAQBgNVBAgMCUd1YW5n\nRG9uZzEPMA0GA1UEBwwGWmh1SGFpMQ8wDQYDVQQKDAZpcmVzdHkxETAPBgNVBAMM\nCHRlc3QuY29tMIIBojANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAY8AMIIBigKCAYEAyCM0rqJe\ncvgnCfOw4fATotPwk5Ba0gC2YvIrO+gSbQkyxXF5jhZB3W6BkWUWR4oNFLLSqcVb\nVDPitz/Mt46Mo8amuS6zTbQetGnBARzPLtmVhJfoeLj0efMiOepOSZflj9Ob4yKR\n2bGdEFOdHPjm+4ggXU9jMKeLqdVvxll/JiVFBW5smPtW1Oc/BV5terhscJdOgmRr\nabf9xiIis9/qVYfyGn52u9452V0owUuwP7nZ01jt6iMWEGeQU6mwPENgvj1olji2\nWjdG2UwpUVp3jp3l7j1ekQ6mI0F7yI+LeHzfUwiyVt1TmtMWn1ztk6FfLRqwJWR/\nEvm95vnfS3Le4S2ky3XAgn2UnCMyej3wDN6qHR1onpRVeXhrBajbCRDRBMwaNw/1\n/3Uvza8QKK10PzQR6OcQ0xo9psMkd9j9ts/dTuo2fzaqpIfyUbPST4GdqNG9NyIh\n/B9g26/0EWcjyO7mYVkaycrtLMaXm1u9jyRmcQQI1cGrGwyXbrieNp63AgMBAAGj\ncTBvMB0GA1UdDgQWBBSZtSvV8mBwl0bpkvFtgyiOUUcbszAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBSZ\ntSvV8mBwl0bpkvFtgyiOUUcbszAMBgNVHRMEBTADAQH/MB8GA1UdEQQYMBaCCHRl\nc3QuY29tggoqLnRlc3QuY29tMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAA4IBgQAHGEul/x7ViVgC\ntC8CbXEslYEkj1XVr2Y4hXZXAXKd3W7V3TC8rqWWBbr6L/tsSVFt126V5WyRmOaY\n1A5pju8VhnkhYxYfZALQxJN2tZPFVeME9iGJ9BE1wPtpMgITX8Rt9kbNlENfAgOl\nPYzrUZN1YUQjX+X8t8/1VkSmyZysr6ngJ46/M8F16gfYXc9zFj846Z9VST0zCKob\nrJs3GtHOkS9zGGldqKKCj+Awl0jvTstI4qtS1ED92tcnJh5j/SSXCAB5FgnpKZWy\nhme45nBQj86rJ8FhN+/aQ9H9/2Ib6Q4wbpaIvf4lQdLUEcWAeZGW6Rk0JURwEog1\n7/mMgkapDglgeFx9f/XztSTrkHTaX4Obr+nYrZ2V4KOB4llZnK5GeNjDrOOJDk2y\nIJFgBOZJWyS93dQfuKEj42hA79MuX64lMSCVQSjX+ipR289GQZqFrIhiJxLyA+Ve\nU/OOcSRr39Kuis/JJ+DkgHYa/PWHZhnJQBxcqXXk1bJGw9BNbhM=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n",
"key": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----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\nwzarryret/7GFW1/3cz+hTj9/d45i25zArr3Pocfpur5mfz3fJO8jg==\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
"sni": ""
sleep 1
curl -i -H 'X-API-KEY: edd1c9f034335f136f87ad84b625c8f1' -X PUT -d '
"uri": "/hello",
"upstream": {
"type": "roundrobin",
"nodes": {
"": 1
seq 1 1000 | xargs -I{} -P 20 curl -i -k
Copy link

membphis commented Aug 5, 2020

$ bash -x > output.log
$ cat outpu.log
./bin/apisix init
./bin/apisix init_etcd
APISIX is running...
{"node":{"value":{"key":"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","cert":"-----BEGIN 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