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Forked from Viper007Bond/sync.php
Created November 16, 2017 12:51
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Google Contacts Sync
* Google Contacts Syncer
* by Alex Mills (
* This script copies all contacts from Google account A to
* Google account B, wiping out all existing contacts in
* account B's account in the process.
* I wrote this script in June 2010 so that I could sync the
* contacts from my Google Apps account into my regular GMail
* account that was tied to my Google Voice account.
* As far as I know, it still works. Just stick the Google
* Zend library in a "Zend" subfolder. Download it here:
set_time_limit( 0 );
function message( $message ) {
echo "$message\n";
// Source account (read-only)
$source_user = '';
$source_pass = 'passwordhere';
$dest_user = '';
$dest_pass = 'passwordhere';
// Load Zend Gdata libraries
require_once( 'Zend/Loader.php' );
Zend_Loader::loadClass( 'Zend_Gdata' );
Zend_Loader::loadClass( 'Zend_Gdata_ClientLogin' );
Zend_Loader::loadClass( 'Zend_Http_Client' );
Zend_Loader::loadClass( 'Zend_Gdata_Query' );
Zend_Loader::loadClass( 'Zend_Gdata_Feed' );
// Perform source login
$source_client = Zend_Gdata_ClientLogin::getHttpClient( $source_user, $source_pass, 'cp' );
$source_gdata = new Zend_Gdata( $source_client );
$source_gdata->setMajorProtocolVersion( 3 );
// Perform destination login
$dest_client = Zend_Gdata_ClientLogin::getHttpClient( $dest_user, $dest_pass, 'cp' );
$dest_gdata = new Zend_Gdata( $dest_client );
$dest_gdata->setMajorProtocolVersion( 3 );
// Fetch all destination contacts
message( 'Fetching all "My Contacts" from destination account...' );
$dest_query = new Zend_Gdata_Query( '' );
$dest_query->maxResults = 99999;
$dest_query->setParam( 'group', '' . urlencode($dest_user) . '/base/6' ); // "My Contacts" only
$dest_feed = $dest_gdata->getFeed( $dest_query );
message( $dest_feed->totalResults . ' contacts found.' );
// Clear out all existing contacts
if ( (string) $dest_feed->totalResults > 0 ) {
message( 'Clearing all "My Contacts" from destination account...' );
foreach ( $dest_feed as $entry ) {
if ( !$editlink = $entry->getEditLink() )
$entry = $dest_gdata->getEntry( $editlink->getHref() );
$dest_gdata->delete( $entry );
message( ' Deleted ' . $entry->title );
message( 'Existing "My Contacts" cleared from destination account.' );
// Fetch all source contacts
message( 'Fetching all "My Contacts" from source account...' );
$source_query = new Zend_Gdata_Query( '' );
$source_query->maxResults = 99999;
$source_query->setParam( 'group', '' . urlencode($source_user) . '/base/6' ); // "My Contacts" only
$source_feed = $source_gdata->getFeed( $source_query );
message( $source_feed->totalResults . ' contacts found.' );
// Add contacts from source account to the destination account
message( 'Creating contacts in destination account...' );
foreach ( $source_feed as $entry ) {
//if ( 'Test Contact' != $entry->title ) continue;
// Tweak the entry slightly
$xml = $entry->getXML();
$xml = str_replace( urlencode( $source_user ), urlencode( $dest_user ), $xml );
// Insert the entry into the destination acccount
$response = $dest_gdata->insertEntry( $xml, '' );
// Make sure we had success
if ( empty( $response->id ) ) {
message( ' Failed to add "' . $entry->title . '" to the destination account.' );
// Does the user have a photo?
$image_url = false;
foreach ( $entry->link as $link ) {
// We're only after the photo link
if ( '' !== $link->rel )
// People without a photo will have this link but no "etag" attribute
if ( empty( $link->extensionAttributes[''] ) )
continue 2;
$image_url = $link->href;
if ( !$image_url )
// Find the photo update URL
$update_url = false;
foreach ( $response->link as $link ) {
if ( '' !== $link->rel )
$update_url = $link->href;
if ( !$update_url )
// Fetch the source image
$image_request = $source_gdata->get( $image_url );
$image = $image_request->getBody();
// Save the image to the destination contact
$dest_gdata->put( $image, $update_url, null, 'image/*', array( 'If-Match' => '*' ) );
message( ' Created ' . $entry->title );
message( "\nAll done!" );
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