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Created April 14, 2024 12:53
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  • Save mehuled/c9fb9a2d99f0f9dd1d9f9a5231d1ebcb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mehuled/c9fb9a2d99f0f9dd1d9f9a5231d1ebcb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
-- If you're not sure your plugin is executing, uncomment the line below and restart Kong
-- then it will throw an error which indicates the plugin is being loaded at least.
--assert(ngx.get_phase() == "timer", "The world is coming to an end!")
-- In the code below, just remove the opening brackets; `[[` to enable a specific handler
-- The handlers are based on the OpenResty handlers, see the OpenResty docs for details
-- on when exactly they are invoked and what limitations each handler has.
local plugin = {
PRIORITY = 1000, -- set the plugin priority, which determines plugin execution order
VERSION = "0.1", -- version in X.Y.Z format. Check hybrid-mode compatibility requirements.
-- do initialization here, any module level code runs in the 'init_by_lua_block',
-- before worker processes are forked. So anything you add here will run once,
-- but be available in all workers.
-- handles more initialization, but AFTER the worker process has been forked/created.
-- It runs in the 'init_worker_by_lua_block'
function plugin:init_worker()
-- your custom code here
kong.log.debug("saying hi from the 'init_worker' handler")
end --]]
--[[ runs in the 'ssl_certificate_by_lua_block'
-- IMPORTANT: during the `certificate` phase neither `route`, `service`, nor `consumer`
-- will have been identified, hence this handler will only be executed if the plugin is
-- configured as a global plugin!
function plugin:certificate(plugin_conf)
-- your custom code here
kong.log.debug("saying hi from the 'certificate' handler")
end --]]
--[[ runs in the 'rewrite_by_lua_block'
-- IMPORTANT: during the `rewrite` phase neither `route`, `service`, nor `consumer`
-- will have been identified, hence this handler will only be executed if the plugin is
-- configured as a global plugin!
function plugin:rewrite(plugin_conf)
-- your custom code here
kong.log.debug("saying hi from the 'rewrite' handler")
end --]]
-- runs in the 'access_by_lua_block'
function plugin:access(plugin_conf)
-- your custom code here
kong.log.inspect(plugin_conf) -- check the logs for a pretty-printed config!
kong.service.request.set_header(plugin_conf.request_header, "this is on a request")
end --]]
-- runs in the 'header_filter_by_lua_block'
function plugin:header_filter(plugin_conf)
-- your custom code here, for example;
kong.response.set_header(plugin_conf.response_header, "this is on the response")
end --]]
--[[ runs in the 'body_filter_by_lua_block'
function plugin:body_filter(plugin_conf)
-- your custom code here
kong.log.debug("saying hi from the 'body_filter' handler")
end --]]
--[[ runs in the 'log_by_lua_block'
function plugin:log(plugin_conf)
-- your custom code here
kong.log.debug("saying hi from the 'log' handler")
end --]]
-- return our plugin object
return plugin
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