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Created November 15, 2019 15:27
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  • Save mehdiyari/dd2569de8a272a9146898d98d737a7d6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mehdiyari/dd2569de8a272a9146898d98d737a7d6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import java.math.BigDecimal
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import java.util.*
import java.util.regex.Pattern
* simple Base85/Ascii85 encoder-decoder for kotlin
* @see <a href="Base85"></a>
private const val ascii85Shift = 33
private val base85Pow = intArrayOf(1, 85, 85 * 85, 85 * 85 * 85, 85 * 85 * 85 * 85)
private val removeWhiteSpacePattern = Pattern.compile("\\s+")
* encoding [ByteArray] to Base85
fun ByteArray.encodeToBase85(): String = StringBuilder(this.size * 5 / 4).also { stringBuilder ->
ByteArray(4).also { chunk ->
var chunkIndex = 0
for (i in this.indices) {
chunk[chunkIndex++] = this[i]
if (chunkIndex == 4) {
val value = byteToInt(chunk)
if (value == 0)
Arrays.fill(chunk, 0.toByte())
chunkIndex = 0
if (chunkIndex > 0) {
val numPadded = chunk.size - chunkIndex
Arrays.fill(chunk, chunkIndex, chunk.size, 0.toByte())
val value = byteToInt(chunk)
val encodedChunk = encodeChunk(value)
for (i in 0 until encodedChunk.size - numPadded)
* decoding [ByteArray] from Base85
fun String.decodeFromBase85(): ByteArray {
var cpValue: String = this
val decodedLength = BigDecimal.valueOf(cpValue.length.toLong()).multiply(BigDecimal.valueOf(4)).divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(5))
return ByteBuffer.allocate(decodedLength.toInt()).also { byteBuff ->
cpValue = removeWhiteSpacePattern.matcher(cpValue).replaceAll("")
val payload = cpValue.toByteArray(StandardCharsets.US_ASCII)
val chunk = ByteArray(5)
var chunkIndex = 0
for (i in payload.indices) {
val currByte = payload[i]
if (currByte == 'z'.toByte()) {
require(chunkIndex <= 0) { "The payload is not base 85 encoded." }
chunk[chunkIndex++] = '!'.toByte()
chunk[chunkIndex++] = '!'.toByte()
chunk[chunkIndex++] = '!'.toByte()
chunk[chunkIndex++] = '!'.toByte()
chunk[chunkIndex++] = '!'.toByte()
} else {
chunk[chunkIndex++] = currByte
if (chunkIndex == 5) {
Arrays.fill(chunk, 0.toByte())
chunkIndex = 0
if (chunkIndex > 0) {
val numPadded = chunk.size - chunkIndex
Arrays.fill(chunk, chunkIndex, chunk.size, 'u'.toByte())
val paddedDecode = decodeChunk(chunk)
for (i in 0 until paddedDecode.size - numPadded) {
}.let {
Arrays.copyOf(it.array(), it.limit())
* encode Int to CharArray
private fun encodeChunk(value: Int): CharArray {
var longValue = value.toLong() and 0x00000000ffffffffL
val encodedChunk = CharArray(5)
encodedChunk.forEachIndexed { index, _ ->
encodedChunk[index] = (longValue / base85Pow[4 - index] + ascii85Shift).toChar()
longValue %= base85Pow[4 - index]
return encodedChunk
* decode Int to charArray
private fun decodeChunk(chunk: ByteArray): ByteArray {
require(chunk.size == 5) { "You can only decode chunks of size 5." }
var value = 0
value += (chunk[0] - ascii85Shift) * base85Pow[4]
value += (chunk[1] - ascii85Shift) * base85Pow[3]
value += (chunk[2] - ascii85Shift) * base85Pow[2]
value += (chunk[3] - ascii85Shift) * base85Pow[1]
value += (chunk[4] - ascii85Shift) * base85Pow[0]
return intToByte(value)
private fun byteToInt(value: ByteArray?): Int {
require(!(value == null || value.size != 4)) { "You cannot create an int without exactly 4 bytes." }
return ByteBuffer.wrap(value).int
private fun intToByte(value: Int): ByteArray = byteArrayOf(value.ushr(24).toByte(), value.ushr(16).toByte(), value.ushr(8).toByte(), value.toByte())
fun main() {
"hello world!".toByteArray(Charsets.UTF_8).apply {
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This is nice!

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ronhombre commented Jun 16, 2024

However, this looks to be a port of ascii85 by fzakaria. That should be mentioned

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