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Created August 12, 2017 16:43
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PS Client file
module Client
( Url
, LoggerConfig
, Logger
, Action
, ActionType
, Queue
, ClientEffects
, defaultLoggerConfig
, createLogger
, flush
, flushImmediate
) where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Eff (Eff)
import Control.Monad.Eff.Console (CONSOLE, warn)
import Control.Monad.Eff.Exception (Error)
import Control.Monad.Eff.Ref (REF, Ref, modifyRef, modifyRef', newRef, readRef)
import Control.Monad.Eff.Timer (TIMER, TimeoutId, clearTimeout, setTimeout)
import DOM (DOM)
import DOM.Event.EventTarget (addEventListener, eventListener)
import DOM.HTML (window)
import DOM.HTML.Event.EventTypes (unload)
import DOM.HTML.Types (windowToEventTarget)
import DOM.HTML.Window (requestIdleCallback)
import Data.Argonaut.Core (Json)
import Data.Array (null, snoc)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.HTTP.Method (Method(..))
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Network.HTTP.Affjax (AJAX, AffjaxResponse, affjax', defaultRequest)
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
type Url = String
type LoggerConfig a =
{ endpoint :: Url
, actionFilter :: Action a -> Boolean
, actionMapper :: Action a -> Action a
defaultLoggerConfig :: forall a . Url -> LoggerConfig a
defaultLoggerConfig endpoint =
{ endpoint
, actionFilter: const true
, actionMapper: id
type ActionType = String
type Action a =
{ "type" :: ActionType
| a
type Queue a = Array (Action a)
type State a =
{ queue :: Queue a
, timeout :: Maybe TimeoutId
emptyState :: forall a . State a
emptyState = { queue: [], timeout: Nothing }
type ClientEffects eff a = Eff (ajax :: AJAX, console :: CONSOLE, dom :: DOM, ref :: REF, timer :: TIMER | eff) a
type Logger e a =
{ log :: Action a -> ClientEffects e Unit
, getQueue :: Eff (ref :: REF | e) (Queue a)
, flush :: ClientEffects e Unit
, flushImmediate :: ClientEffects e Unit
debounceDuration :: Int
debounceDuration = 1000
maxAttempts :: Int
maxAttempts = 3
createLogger :: forall e a
. LoggerConfig a
-> ClientEffects e (Logger e a)
createLogger config = do
ref <- newRef emptyState
addEventListener unload (eventListener \_ -> flushImmediate config ref) true =<< windowToEventTarget <$> window
{ log: logger ref
, getQueue: _.queue <$> readRef ref
, flush: pure unit
, flushImmediate: pure unit
logger ref action = ricb $ logger' ref action
logger' ref action = when (config.actionFilter action) do
newTimeout <- setTimeout debounceDuration $ flush config ref
oldTimeout <- modifyRef' ref \state ->
{ state:
{ queue: snoc state.queue $ config.actionMapper action
, timeout: Just newTimeout
, value: state.timeout
maybeClearTimeout oldTimeout
flush :: forall e a . LoggerConfig a -> Ref (State a) -> ClientEffects e Unit
flush config ref = ricb $ sendQueuedEvents config ref 0
flushImmediate :: forall e a . LoggerConfig a -> Ref (State a) -> ClientEffects e Unit
flushImmediate config ref = sendQueuedEvents config ref 0
ricb :: forall e . Eff (dom :: DOM | e) Unit -> Eff (dom :: DOM | e) Unit
ricb cb = void $ requestIdleCallback { timeout: 1000 } cb =<< window
maybeClearTimeout :: forall e . Maybe TimeoutId -> Eff (timer :: TIMER | e) Unit
maybeClearTimeout (Just timeout) = clearTimeout timeout
maybeClearTimeout Nothing = pure unit
sendQueuedEvents :: forall e a
. LoggerConfig a
-> Ref (State a)
-> Int
-> ClientEffects e Unit
sendQueuedEvents config ref attempts = do
queue <- modifyRef' ref \{ queue, timeout } -> { state: emptyState, value: queue }
when (not $ null queue) $ void $ affjax' (request queue) (onError queue) onSuccess
toJson :: Queue a -> Json
toJson queue = unsafeCoerce queue
request queue = defaultRequest
{ method = Left POST
, url = config.endpoint
, content = Just (toJson queue)
onError :: Queue a -> Error ClientEffects e Unit
onError attemptedQueue e = ricb $ onError' attemptedQueue e
onError' :: Queue a -> Error ClientEffects e Unit
onError' attemptedQueue e = do
if attempts >= maxAttempts
then warn "[Client] Unable to send events -- dropping the queue"
else do
warn "[Client] Unable to send events -- requeuing failed events"
timeout <- modifyRef' ref \state ->
{ state: state { queue = state.queue <> attemptedQueue }
, value: state.timeout
when (timeout == Nothing) do
newTimeout <- setTimeout (debounceDuration * 6) (ricb $ sendQueuedEvents config ref (attempts + 1))
modifyRef ref \state -> state { timeout = Just newTimeout }
onSuccess :: AffjaxResponse Unit ClientEffects e Unit
onSuccess _ = pure unit
"use strict";
var ric = require("request-idle-callback");
var glbl = typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : global;
if (!glbl.requestIdleCallback) {
glbl.requestIdleCallback = ric.requestIdleCallback;
glbl.cancelIdleCallback = ric.cancelIdleCallback;
exports.assignGlobal = function(key) {
return function(value) {
return function() {
glbl[key] = value;
exports.toJsFriendlyLogger = function(psCreateLogger) {
return function(defaultLoggerConfig) {
return {
createLogger: function createLogger(config) {
if (!config || !config.endpoint) {
throw new TypeError(
"`createLogger` requires and `endpoint` (url)."
var defaults = defaultLoggerConfig(config.endpoint);
var psLogger = psCreateLogger({
endpoint: config.endpoint,
actionFilter: config.actionFilter || defaults.actionFilter,
actionMapper: config.actionMapper || defaults.actionMapper
return {
log: function log(action) {
getQueue: function getQueue() {
return psLogger.getQueue();
flush: function flush() {
flushImmediate: function flushImmediate() {
module Main (main) where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Eff (Eff)
import Data.Foreign (Foreign)
import Client (ClientEffects, Logger, LoggerConfig, Url, createLogger, defaultLoggerConfig)
main :: Eff () Unit
main = assignGlobal "Client" $ toJsFriendlyLogger createLogger defaultLoggerConfig
foreign import assignGlobal :: forall e a . String -> a -> Eff e Unit
foreign import toJsFriendlyLogger :: forall e a
. (LoggerConfig a -> ClientEffects e (Logger e a))
-> (Url -> LoggerConfig a)
-> Foreign
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