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Last active August 12, 2024 16:58
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Convert seconds past datetime to datetime
# Function to calculate datetime after a given number of seconds from a starting datetime
calculate_datetime() {
local start_datetime="$1"
local elapsed_seconds="$2"
# Convert the start datetime to seconds since the epoch
local start_epoch=$(date -d "$start_datetime" +%s)
# Add the elapsed seconds (including fractional part)
local result_epoch=$(echo "$start_epoch + $elapsed_seconds" | bc)
# Convert the result back to a human-readable date-time format (without fractional seconds)
local result_datetime=$(date -d "@$result_epoch" +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
# Output the resulting datetime
echo "$result_datetime"
# Example usage of the function
# Uncomment the lines below to test the function directly in the script
#start_datetime="2024-08-12 08:00:00"
#result=$(calculate_datetime "$start_datetime" "$elapsed_seconds")
#echo "The resulting datetime is: $result"
# Function to calculate datetime after a given number of seconds from a starting datetime
calculate_datetime() {
local start_datetime="$1"
local elapsed_seconds="$2"
# Convert the start datetime to seconds since the epoch
local start_epoch=$(date -d "$start_datetime" +%s)
# Add the elapsed seconds (including fractional part)
local result_epoch=$(echo "$start_epoch + $elapsed_seconds" | bc)
# Convert the result back to a human-readable date-time format (without fractional seconds)
local result_datetime=$(date -d "@$result_epoch" +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
# Output the resulting datetime
echo "$result_datetime"
# Check if the correct number of arguments is provided
if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <log_file> <initial_datetime>"
echo "Example: $0 /path/to/log_file.txt '2024-08-12 08:00:00'"
exit 1
# Assign arguments to variables
# Check if the log file exists
if [ ! -f "$log_file" ]; then
echo "Error: Log file not found!"
exit 1
# Process each line in the log file
while IFS= read -r log_line; do
# Extract the time value (e.g., 12.592) from the log line using a regular expression
elapsed_seconds=$(echo "$log_line" | grep -oP '\[\s*\K[\d\.]+')
# If a valid elapsed time is found, calculate the corresponding datetime
if [ ! -z "$elapsed_seconds" ]; then
datetime=$(calculate_datetime "$initial_datetime" "$elapsed_seconds")
# Replace the time value in the log line with the calculated datetime
new_log_line=$(echo "$log_line" | sed "s/\[\s*$elapsed_seconds\]/[$datetime]/")
# Output the modified log line
echo "$new_log_line"
# If no time value is found, print the line as is
echo "$log_line"
done < "$log_file"
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meetnick commented Aug 12, 2024

Here's how to use it:

chmod +x

./ /path/to/your_log_file.txt '2024-08-12 08:00:00'

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meetnick commented Aug 12, 2024

curl | bash -s /var/log/Xorg.0.log "2024-08-07 11:44:32"

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