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Last active April 5, 2022 04:25
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  • Save meeas/cc74d771f43ae7988c49e8227a846fca to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save meeas/cc74d771f43ae7988c49e8227a846fca to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Starship prompt inspired by Powerlevel10k
# You MUST install an appropriate mono-spaced Nerdfont for this to work correctly
# You can find download links and terminal install instructions here:
# You are not installing PowerLevel10k, you are just following the steps in this one section
# Command Prompt Format #
add_newline = true
format = """
[╭─](fg:240)[](fg:236)[  ](bold bg:236)\
[](fg:236)[ ](bg:236)\
[ ](bg:236)[](fg:236)[─╮](fg:240)
right_format = "[─╯](fg:240)"
# Always-Shown Basic Modules #
# This one seems broken, at least on fish
format = "[ ](dimmed bg:236)[$indicator]($style)[ ](bg:236)"
style = "bold bg:236"
fish_indicator = ""
bash_indicator = "bash"
disabled = "false"
format = "[$user]($style) in "
show_always = false
format = "[$hostname]($style) in "
ssh_only = true
# [localip]
# format = "[$localipv4]($style) "
# ssh_only = true
# disabled = true
format = "[ ](dimmed bg:236)[ ](bg:236)[$path]($style)[$read_only]($read_only_style)[ ](bg:236)"
style = "bold 31 bg:236"
truncation_length = 8
truncate_to_repo = false
truncation_symbol = ".../"
read_only = ""
read_only_style = "red bg:236"
### Version Control and Packages - Configure in Later Section
### Programming Language Modules - Configure in Later Section
symbol = ""
style = "fg:240"
### OS and Process Status Modules - Configure in Later Section
format = "[ ](bg:236)[$time]($style)"
disabled = false
style = "bold yellow bg:236"
# This seems to work fine for Fedora but timesout in Debian
format = "[$symbol]($style)"
style = "red"
symbol = ""
disabled = true
format = "$symbol "
success_symbol = "[❯](bold green)"
error_symbol = "[❯](bold red)"
vicmd_symbol = "[❯](bold green)"
# Containers and Version Control #
format = "[ ](dimmed bg:236)[ ](bg:236)[$symbol $branch ]($style)"
style = "bold purple bg:236"
symbol = ""
format = "[\\($hash$tag\\)]($style)[ ](bg:236)"
style = "bold green bg:236"
tag_symbol = " 🏷 "
format = '\([$state( $progress_current/$progress_total)]($style)\)[ ](bg:236)'
style = "bold yellow bg:236"
format = '([+$added]($added_style) )([-$deleted]($deleted_style)[ ](bg:236))'
added_style = "bold green bg:236"
deleted_style = "bold red bg:236"
format = '([\[$all_status$ahead_behind\]]($style))[ ](bg:236)'
style = "bold red bg:236"
format = "[ ](dimmed bg:236)[$symbol$branch]($style)[ ](bg:236)"
style = "bold purple bg:236"
symbol = ""
format = "[ ](dimmed bg:236)[$symbol$context]($style)[ ](bg:236)"
style = "blue bold bg:236"
symbol = ""
# [container]
# format = "[$symbol \\[$name\\]]($style) "
# style = "bold red dimmed"
# symbol = "⬢"
# Programming Language Modules #
format = "[ ](dimmed bg:236)[$symbol](bg:236)[$version]($style)"
style = "bold 208 bg:236"
symbol = ""
symbol = ""
symbol = ""
format = "[ ](dimmed bg:236)[$symbol](bg:236)[($version )]($style)"
style = "bold blue bg:236"
symbol = ""
symbol = ""
symbol = ""
format = "[ ](dimmed bg:236)[$symbol](bg:236)[($version) ]($style)"
style = "bold cyan bg:236"
symbol = ""
format = "[ ](dimmed bg:236)[$symbol](bg:236)[(${version}) ]($style)"
style = "dimmed red bg:236"
symbol = ""
symbol = ""
symbol = ""
symbol = ""
format = "[ ](dimmed bg:236)[$symbol](bg:236)[($version )]($style)"
style = "green bold bg:236"
symbol = ""
format = '[ ](dimmed bg:236)[$symbol](bg:236)[${pyenv_prefix}(${version})( \($virtualenv\))]($style)[ ](bg:236)'
style = "yellow bold bg:236"
symbol = "" #  or 
format = "[ ](dimmed bg:236)[$symbol ](bg:236)[$version]($style)[ ](bg:236)"
style = "bold red bg:236"
symbol = ""
# OS and Process Status #
format = "[$symbol $status]($style)[  ](dimmed bg:236)"
style = "bold red bg:236"
symbol = ""
#success_symbol = ""
disabled = false
format = "[祥](bg:236)[$duration]($style)[  ](dimmed bg:236)"
style = "bold yellow bg:236"
show_milliseconds = true
format = "[$symbol$number]($style)[  ](dimmed bg:236)"
symbol = ""
style = "cyan bg:236"
format = "[$symbol ](bg:236)[${ram}( [易](bg:236)${swap})]($style)[  ](dimmed bg:236)"
style = "202 bg:236"
threshold = 80
symbol = ""
disabled = false
format = "[$symbol$percentage]($style) "
threshold = 20
style = "bold red"
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