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Forked from kristopherjohnson/locking.swift
Created April 25, 2016 15:19
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Simple synchronization functions for Swift, wrapping the Cocoa NSLocking classes
import Foundation
/// Protocol for NSLocking objects that also provide tryLock()
public protocol TryLockable: NSLocking {
func tryLock() -> Bool
// These Cocoa classes have tryLock()
extension NSLock: TryLockable {}
extension NSRecursiveLock: TryLockable {}
extension NSConditionLock: TryLockable {}
/// Protocol for NSLocking objects that also provide lockBeforeDate()
public protocol BeforeDateLockable: NSLocking {
func lockBeforeDate(limit: NSDate) -> Bool
// These Cocoa classes have lockBeforeDate()
extension NSLock: BeforeDateLockable {}
extension NSRecursiveLock: BeforeDateLockable {}
extension NSConditionLock: BeforeDateLockable {}
/// Use an NSLocking object as a mutex for a critical section of code
public func synchronized<L: NSLocking>(lockable: L, criticalSection: () -> ()) {
/// Use an NSLocking object as a mutex for a critical section of code that returns a result
public func synchronizedResult<L: NSLocking, T>(lockable: L, criticalSection: () -> T) -> T {
let result = criticalSection()
return result
/// Use a TryLockable object as a mutex for a critical section of code
/// Return true if the critical section was executed, or false if tryLock() failed
public func trySynchronized<L: TryLockable>(lockable: L, criticalSection: () -> ()) -> Bool {
if !lockable.tryLock() {
return false
return true
/// Use a BeforeDateLockable object as a mutex for a critical section of code
/// Return true if the critical section was executed, or false if lockBeforeDate() failed
public func synchronizedBeforeDate<L: BeforeDateLockable>(limit: NSDate, lockable: L, criticalSection: () -> ()) -> Bool {
if !lockable.lockBeforeDate(limit) {
return false
return true
// Examples
let lock = NSLock()
synchronized(lock) {
println("This is synchronized")
let result: String = synchronizedResult(lock) {
return "This is synchronized"
let didRun = trySynchronized(lock) {
println("This was synchronized with a trySynchronized")
println("didRun: \(didRun)")
let limit = NSDate(timeIntervalSinceNow: 1.0)
let didRunBeforeDate = synchronizedBeforeDate(limit, lock) {
println("This was synchronized with a time limit");
println("didRunBeforeDate: \(didRunBeforeDate)")
let recursiveLock = NSRecursiveLock()
synchronized(recursiveLock) {
println("This is synchronized with a recursive lock")
synchronized(recursiveLock) {
println("This is synchronized with the same recursive lock")
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