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Created August 22, 2015 13:56
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jQuery additional features
# Orginal methods and variable
Base = {
append: jQuery.fn.append
val: jQuery.fn.val
remove: jQuery.fn.remove
window.Base = Base
do( $ = jQuery , window ) ->
# Append event for jQuery
jQuery.fn.append = ->
Base.jQuery.append.apply( this , arguments ).trigger 'append', arguments[0]
# Remove event for jQuery
jQuery.fn.remove = ->
$('*',this).trigger 'remove',arguments[0]
Base.jQuery.remove.apply( this , arguments )
# Clone attributes
jQuery.fn.cloneAttrs = ( source , except ) ->
props = {}
except = [] if not except?
$.each source.get(0).attributes, ()->
props[ ] = @.value if except.indexOf( ) < 0
@.attr props
# Value change event
jQuery.fn.val = ->
val = Base.jQuery.val.apply( this , arguments )
$(this).trigger 'value' , arguments if arguments.length > 0
# Map a collection of elements to an Object
jQuery.fn.mapTo = ( selector , obj , key , val ) ->
mapped = []
mapItem = ( index , item )->
return false if mapped.indexOf(item) >= 0
mapped.push item
$this = $ item
k = if key? then key $this else index
updateValue = () =>
v = if val? then val $this else $this.val()
obj[k] = v
.one 'remove', (e)->
i = mapped.indexOf this
delete mapped[i]
delete obj[k]
.on 'keyup', updateValue
.on 'change', updateValue
$( selector , this ).each ( index ) ->
mapItem index, this
$(this).on 'append', (e)->
node = $
node = node.find selector
items = $ selector,this
node.each ()->
mapItem items.index(this), this
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jQuery additional features

  • Append event
  • Remove event
  • Pragmatically value change event
  • Clone attributes from another element
  • Map collection of elements to an Object

Append event

$('body').on('append', function(event){
     console.log( )

Remove event

$('button').on('remove', function(event){
     console.log( )

Clone attributes

cloneAttrs( source )
$('#div_1').cloneAttrs( $('#div_2') )

Map to Object

mapTo( selector , object , [KeyFunction] , [ValueFunction] )
var Form = {}
$('form').mapTo( 'input,select,textarea' , Form , function( obj ){
       return obj.attr('id');

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