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Created January 4, 2018 04:07
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I got tired of manually deleting messages on LinkedIn so I created this little gem. It adds a delete all messages button for your LinkedIn inbox. Just like my delete all Facebook messages script. :-) Enjoy!
* Delete all LinkedIn Messages Bookmark
* Create a new bookmark in your bookmark bar named: Clean LinkedIn Inbox
* Set the url of the bookmark to everything the code below on line 7
javascript:(function(b,c){var d=0,f=function(){var k=b('a[href^="/messaging/thread/"]',!0);k[d]?(k[d].click(),setTimeout(g,c)):(console.log('All Done :)'),location.reload())},g=function(){var k=h,l=b('a[title="Show conversation details"]');l?,k=f),setTimeout(()=>k(),c)},h=function(){var k=b('[data-control-name="clear_conversation"]');k&&,setTimeout(j,c)},j=function(){var k=b('[data-control-name="clear_conversation_confirm"]');k&&,setTimeout(f,c)};f()})(function(b,c){return c?document.querySelectorAll(b):document.querySelector(b)},1000);
// Now you can navigate to your inbox and then
// click your new bookmark to begin cleaning your inbox.
// Want to run it with-out a bookmark?
// The code below is the unminified version of the bookmark url.
* This is the all of the code that runs when you click the bookmark.
* Alternatively, you could copy the below code and run in your developer console.
* Just make sure you run it while on your LinkedIn inbox
(function($, speed) {
i = 0,
nxt = function() {
var e = $('a[href^="/messaging/thread/"]', true);
if (e[i]) { e[i].click(); setTimeout(delit, speed); }
else { console.log('All Done :)'); location.reload(); }
delit = function() {
var n = delitBro,
e = $('a[title="Show conversation details"]');
if (e);
else { i++; n = nxt; }
setTimeout(() => n(), speed);
delitBro = function() {
var e = $('[data-control-name="clear_conversation"]');
if (e);
setTimeout(delitNOW, speed);
delitNOW = function() {
var e = $('[data-control-name="clear_conversation_confirm"]');
if (e);
setTimeout(nxt, speed);
})(function(s, a) { return (a) ? document.querySelectorAll(s) : document.querySelector(s) }, 1000);
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How can I used this script?

It literally says it in the file in the comments.

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