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Created January 7, 2022 21:11
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EnTT Snapshot Creation & Restoration Unit Test
#include "pch.h" // #include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "TestGameManager.h"
namespace SnapshotTests {
class SnapshotTests : public ::testing::Test {
entt::registry registry;
TestGameManager toTest;
SnapshotTests() : toTest(registry) {}
entt::entity getTrackedEntityFromSpawnComponent() {
entt::entity result = entt::null;
bool componentFound = false; // Only one spawn component expected
auto view = registry.view<TestSpawnComponent>();
for (auto &&[entity, testComp] : view.each()) {
if (componentFound) {
ADD_FAILURE(); // "Only one spawn component expected"
return entt::null;
componentFound = true;
result = testComp.trackedEntity;
if (!componentFound) {
ADD_FAILURE(); // "No spawn component found"
else if (result == entt::null) {
ADD_FAILURE(); // "Tracked entity is still null"
return result;
void assertThatEntityIsValid(entt::entity entityId) {
TEST_F(SnapshotTests, whenSnapshotRestored_thenRegistryDoesNotMarkExistingEntityAsInvalid) {
// Initial data population:
entt::entity initialTrackedEntity = getTrackedEntityFromSpawnComponent();
// Sanity check: Verify registry believes that the tracked entity is still valid
// Sanity check #2: Call update several times to verify spawn system behavior
ASSERT_EQ(initialTrackedEntity, getTrackedEntityFromSpawnComponent());
// Actual test: Create and restore snapshot
assertThatEntityIsValid(initialTrackedEntity); // Quick and easy verification
// Post-restoration verification
toTest.update(); // Spawn system is expected to NOT change tracked entity as registry should not treat entity as invalid
entt::entity postSnapshotRestorationTrackedEntity = getTrackedEntityFromSpawnComponent();
ASSERT_EQ(initialTrackedEntity, postSnapshotRestorationTrackedEntity);
#pragma once
#include <EnTT/entt.hpp>
struct TestSpawnComponent {
entt::entity trackedEntity;
struct SimpleComponent {
bool someData;
#pragma once
#include <EnTT/entt.hpp>
#include "TestComponents.h"
#include "TestSpawnSystem.h"
class TestGameManager {
entt::registry& registry;
TestSpawnSystem testSystem;
/// Snapshot data
bool isSnapshotStored = false;
// ECS Snapshot: Create vector of entities and components per component class, as EnTT stores data on a per-component-class basis
std::vector<entt::entity> entitySnapshot_TestSpawnComponent;
std::vector<TestSpawnComponent> componentSnapshot_TestSpawnComponent;
std::vector<entt::entity> entitySnapshot_SimpleComponent;
std::vector<SimpleComponent> componentSnapshot_SimpleComponent;
// Additional snapshot data for proper entity restoration
entt::entity snapshotReleased = entt::null;
std::size_t snapshotRegistrySize = {};
std::vector<entt::entity> snapshotRegistryEntities;
TestGameManager(entt::registry& registry) : registry(registry) {}
void update() {
// Returns true if succeeds
bool createSnapshot() {
if (isSnapshotStored) {
return false;
snapshotRegistrySize = registry.size();
snapshotReleased = registry.released();
snapshotRegistryEntities.insert(snapshotRegistryEntities.end(),, + snapshotRegistrySize);
// Store the actual snapshot data per each component class
// This copy-per-class approach is necessary due to how EnTT is built
createSnapshotForComponent<TestSpawnComponent>(entitySnapshot_TestSpawnComponent, componentSnapshot_TestSpawnComponent);
createSnapshotForComponent<SimpleComponent>(entitySnapshot_SimpleComponent, componentSnapshot_SimpleComponent);
isSnapshotStored = true;
return true;
// Returns true if succeeds
bool restoreSnapshot() {
if (!isSnapshotStored) {
return false;
registry = {};
registry.assign(, + snapshotRegistrySize, snapshotReleased);
// Restore the actual snapshot data per each component class
// This copy-per-class approach is necessary due to how EnTT is built
restoreSnapshotForComponent<TestSpawnComponent>(entitySnapshot_TestSpawnComponent, componentSnapshot_TestSpawnComponent);
restoreSnapshotForComponent<SimpleComponent>(entitySnapshot_SimpleComponent, componentSnapshot_SimpleComponent);
return true;
template <typename ComponentType>
void createSnapshotForComponent(std::vector<entt::entity>& entitySnapshot,
std::vector<ComponentType>& componentSnapshot) {
// Get reference to unique storage for this component type
auto&& storage =<ComponentType>();
// Create entity snapshot
// For why not using memcpy (speed) and examples of different methods for copying data into a vector:
entitySnapshot.insert(entitySnapshot.end(),, + storage.size());
// Create component snapshot
// Note that data may cross multiple pages in memory. Thus, need to copy the data into the output vector one page at a time
const std::size_t pageSize = entt::component_traits<ComponentType>::page_size;
const std::size_t totalPages = (storage.size() + pageSize - 1u) / pageSize;
for (std::size_t pageIndex{}; pageIndex < totalPages; pageIndex++) {
// Calculate number of elements to copy so only copyyig over the necessary number of elements
// Truly necessary as using ComponentType vector here instead of, say, vector of arbitrary bytes
const std::size_t offset = pageIndex * pageSize;
const std::size_t numberOfElementsToCopy = std::min(pageSize, storage.size() - offset);
// Do the actual copying
ComponentType* pageStartPtr = storage.raw()[pageIndex];
componentSnapshot.insert(componentSnapshot.end(), pageStartPtr, pageStartPtr + numberOfElementsToCopy);
template<typename ComponentType>
void restoreSnapshotForComponent(std::vector<entt::entity>& entitySnapshot, std::vector<ComponentType>& componentSnapshot) {
// Get reference to unique storage for this component type
auto&& storage =<ComponentType>();
// Restore entities
storage.insert(entitySnapshot.begin(), entitySnapshot.end());
// Restore components
// Note that data may cross multiple pages in memory. Thus, need to copy the data into the storage one page at a time
const std::size_t pageSize = entt::component_traits<ComponentType>::page_size;
const std::size_t totalPages = (storage.size() + pageSize - 1u) / pageSize;
for(std::size_t pageIndex{}; pageIndex < totalPages; pageIndex++) {
const std::size_t offset = pageIndex * pageSize;
const std::size_t numberOfElementsToCopy = std::min(pageSize, componentSnapshot.size() - offset);
ComponentType* pageStartPtr = storage.raw()[pageIndex];
memcpy(pageStartPtr, + offset, sizeof(ComponentType) * numberOfElementsToCopy);
void cleanUpSnapshotData() {
// Clear all existing snapshot data
cleanUpSnapshotData<TestSpawnComponent>(entitySnapshot_TestSpawnComponent, componentSnapshot_TestSpawnComponent);
cleanUpSnapshotData<SimpleComponent>(entitySnapshot_SimpleComponent, componentSnapshot_SimpleComponent);
template<typename ComponentType>
void cleanUpSnapshotData(std::vector<entt::entity>& entitySnapshot, std::vector<ComponentType>& componentSnapshot) {
#pragma once
#include <EnTT/entt.hpp>
#include "TestComponents.h"
class TestSpawnSystem {
void update(entt::registry& registry) {
auto view = registry.view<TestSpawnComponent>();
for (auto &&[entity, testComp] : view.each()) {
removeInvalidEntity(registry, testComp);
spawnEntityIfNecessary(registry, testComp);
void removeInvalidEntity(entt::registry& registry, TestSpawnComponent& testComp) {
if (testComp.trackedEntity != entt::null && !registry.valid(testComp.trackedEntity)) {
testComp.trackedEntity = entt::null;
void spawnEntityIfNecessary(entt::registry& registry, TestSpawnComponent& testComp) {
if (testComp.trackedEntity != entt::null) {
entt::entity newEntity = createEntity(registry);
testComp.trackedEntity = newEntity;
entt::entity createEntity(entt::registry& registry) {
auto entityId = registry.create();
return entityId;
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