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Created March 14, 2013 19:37
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  • Save mdelaurentis/5164473 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mdelaurentis/5164473 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Here are snippets from two files for the code review. A few things to note: PADE uses a Python library called numpy extensively to do fast computation on arrays ( I use a lot of vectorized functions, which means that functions and operators that look like they're working on scalars can also work on n-dimensional arrays. Fo…
"""Code for grouping samples together.
A layout is simply a list of collections of numbers. Each number
represents a a column number in the (feature x sample) table. Each of
the inner collections represents a group of samples that share the
same value of some attribute. So the whole layout represents some
grouping of samples.
For example, this layout represents four groups, each with three columns::
[ [0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8], [9, 10, 11] ]
The order of the groups is very important and should be preserved by
any functions that operate on layouts. The order of the indexes within
a single group is not important, and so the inner groups may be
represented as lists, tuples, or sets.
import numpy as np
from itertools import combinations, product
from scipy.misc import comb
class InvalidLayoutException(Exception):
"""Raised when a layout is supplied that is invalid in some way."""
def as_layout(layout):
"""Return layout as list of sets, and validate it."""
for group in layout:
if not all([ isinstance(x, (int, long)) for x in group]):
raise InvalidLayoutException(str(layout))
except TypeError as e:
raise InvalidLayoutException("Invalid layout " + str(layout), e)
return map(set, layout)
def intersect_layouts(layout0, layout1):
"""Return a layout where each group is the intersection of a group in
layout0 with a group in layout1.
>>> block_layout = [[0, 1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 7]]
>>> condition_layout = [[0, 1, 4, 5], [2, 3, 6, 7]]
>>> intersect_layouts(block_layout, condition_layout)
[[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5], [6, 7]]
layout = []
for a in as_layout(layout0):
for b in as_layout(layout1):
c = a.intersection(b)
if len(c) > 0:
return layout
def apply_layout(data, layout):
"""Splits data into groups based on layout.
1d data:
>>> data = np.array([9, 8, 7, 6])
>>> layout = [ [0, 1], [2, 3] ]
>>> apply_layout(data, layout) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
[array([9, 8]), array([7, 6])]
2d data:
>>> data = np.array([[9, 8, 7, 6], [5, 4, 3, 2]])
>>> layout = [ [0, 1], [2, 3] ]
>>> apply_layout(data, layout) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
[array([[9, 8], [5, 4]]), array([[7, 6], [3, 2]])]
return [ data[..., list(idxs)] for idxs in layout]
def layout_is_paired(layout):
"""Returns true of the layout appears to be 'paired'.
A paired layout is one where each group contains two values.
:param layout:
A :term:`layout`
Boolean indicating if layout appears to be paired.
for grp in layout:
if len(grp) != 2:
return False
return True
"""Low-level statistical methods.
This module should be general-purpose, and not have any dependencies
on the data model used in PADE or the workflow. The idea is that we
may use these functions outside of the standard PADE workflow.
import itertools
import logging
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import gmean
from bisect import bisect
from pade.layout import (
intersect_layouts, apply_layout, layout_is_paired)
class UnsupportedLayoutException(Exception):
"""Thrown when a statistic is used with a layout that it can't support."""
def double_sum(data):
"""Returns the sum of data over the last two axes."""
return np.sum(np.sum(data, axis=-1), axis=-1)
def group_means(data, layout):
"""Get the means for each group defined by layout.
Groups data according to the given layout and returns a new
ndarray with the same number of dimensions as data, but with the
last dimension replaced by the means according to the specified
One dimensional input:
>>> group_means(np.array([-1, -3, 4, 6]), [[0, 1], [2, 3]])
array([-2., 5.])
Two dimensional input:
>>> data = np.array([[-1, -3, 4, 6], [10, 12, 30, 40]])
>>> layout = [[0, 1], [2, 3]]
>>> group_means(data, layout) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
array([[ -2., 5.],
[ 11., 35.]])
:param data: An ndarray. Any number of dimensions is allowed.
:param layout: A :term:`layout` describing the data.
:return: An ndarray giving the means for each group obtained by
applying the given layout to the given data.
# We'll take the mean of the last axis of each group, so change
# the shape of the array to collapse the last axis down to one
# item per group.
shape = np.shape(data)[:-1] + (len(layout),)
res = np.zeros(shape)
for i, group in enumerate(apply_layout(data, layout)):
res[..., i] = np.mean(group, axis=-1)
return res
def residuals(data, layout):
"""Return the residuals for the given data and layout.
>>> residuals(np.array([1, 2, 3, 6], float), [[0, 1], [2, 3]])
array([-0.5, 0.5, -1.5, 1.5])
:param data:
An ndarray. Any number of dimensions is allowed.
:param layout:
A :term:`layout` describing the data.
The residuals obtained by subtracting the means of the groups
defined by the layout from the values in data.
means = group_means(data, layout)
diffs = []
groups = apply_layout(data, layout)
for i, group in enumerate(groups):
these_means = means[..., i].reshape(np.shape(group)[:-1] + (1,))
diffs.append(group - these_means)
return np.concatenate(diffs, axis=-1)
def rss(data, layout=None):
"""Return the residual sum of squares for the data and optional layout.
:param data:
An n-dimensional array.
:param layout:
If provided, the means will becalculated based on the grouping
given by the layout applied to the last axis of data. Otherwise,
no grouping will be used.
>>> rss(np.array([1, 2, 3, 6], float), [[0, 1], [2, 3]])
if layout is None:
y = np.mean(data, axis=-1).reshape(np.shape(data)[:-1] + (1,))
return double_sum((data - y) ** 2)
r = residuals(data, layout)
rs = r ** 2
return np.sum(rs, axis=-1)
class LayoutPairTest(object):
"""Base class for a statistic that needs a pair of layouts."""
def __init__(self, condition_layout, block_layout):
self.condition_layout = condition_layout
self.block_layout = block_layout
class Ftest(LayoutPairTest):
"""Computes the F-test.
Some sample data
>>> a = np.array([1., 2., 3., 6.])
>>> b = np.array([2., 1., 1., 1.])
>>> c = np.array([3., 1., 10., 4.])
The condition layout has the first two columns in one group and
the second two in another. There is no blocking, so the block
layout has all columns in one group.
>>> condition_layout = [[0, 1], [2, 3]]
>>> block_layout = [[0, 1, 2, 3]]
Construct one ftest based on our layouts
>>> ftest = Ftest(condition_layout, block_layout)
Test one row
>>> round(ftest(a), 1)
Test multiple rows at once
>>> data = np.array([a, b, c])
>>> ftest(data)
array([ 3.6, 1. , 2.5])
name = "F-test"
def __init__(self, condition_layout, block_layout, alphas=None):
super(Ftest, self).__init__(condition_layout, block_layout)
full_layout = intersect_layouts(block_layout, condition_layout)
if min(map(len, full_layout)) < 2:
raise UnsupportedLayoutException(
"I can't use an FTest with the specified layouts, because " +
"the intersection between those layouts results in some " +
"groups that contain fewer than two samples.")
self.layout_full = full_layout
self.alphas = alphas
def __call__(self, data):
# Degrees of freedom
p_red = len(self.block_layout)
p_full = len(self.layout_full)
n = sum(map(len, self.block_layout))
# Means and residual sum of squares for the reduced and full
# model
rss_full = rss(data, self.layout_full)
rss_red = rss(data, self.block_layout)
numer = (rss_red - rss_full) / (p_full - p_red)
denom = rss_full / (n - p_full)
if self.alphas is not None:
denom = np.array([denom + x for x in self.alphas])
return numer / denom
class OneSampleTTest:
def __init__(self, alphas=None):
self.alphas = alphas
def __call__(self, data):
n = np.size(data, axis=-1)
x = np.mean(data, axis=-1)
s = np.std(data, axis=-1)
numer = x
denom = s / np.sqrt(n)
if self.alphas is not None:
denom = np.array([denom + x for x in self.alphas])
return np.abs(numer / denom)
class MeansRatio(LayoutPairTest):
"""Means ratio statistic.
Supports layouts where there are two experimental conditions, with
or without blocking.
:param condition_layout:
A layout that groups the sample indexes together into groups
that have the same experimental condition. MeansRatio only
supports designs where there are exactly two conditions, so
len(condition_layout) must be 2.
:param block_layout:
If the input has blocking variables, then block layout
should be a layout that groups the sample indexes together
by block.
:param alphas:
Optional array of "tuning parameters".
:param symmetric:
If true, gives the inverse of the ratio when the ratio is less
than 1. Use this when it does not matter which condition is
greater than the other one.
name = "means ratio"
def __init__(self, condition_layout, block_layout, alphas=None, symmetric=True):
super(MeansRatio, self).__init__(condition_layout, block_layout)
conditions = len(condition_layout)
blocks = len(block_layout)
if conditions != 2:
raise UnsupportedLayoutException(
("MeansRatio only supports configurations where there are " +
"two conditions and n blocks. You have {conditions} " +
"conditions and {blocks} blocks.").format(
self.alphas = alphas
self.symmetric = symmetric
def __call__(self, data):
conds = self.condition_layout
blocks = self.block_layout
# Build two new layouts. c0 is a list of lists of indexes into
# the data that represent condition 0 for each block. c1 is
# the same for data that represent condition 1 for each block.
c0_blocks = intersect_layouts(blocks, [ conds[0] ])
c1_blocks = intersect_layouts(blocks, [ conds[1] ])
# Get the mean for each block for both conditions.
means = np.array([group_means(data, c0_blocks),
group_means(data, c1_blocks)])
# If we have tuning params, add another dimension to the front
# of each ndarray to vary the tuning param. First add the
# alpha dimension to the front of means, then swap it so the
# dimensionality becomes (alpha, condition, ...)
if self.alphas is not None:
means = np.array([ means + x for x in self.alphas ])
means = means.swapaxes(0, 1)
ratio = means[0] / means[1]
# If we have more than one block, we combine their ratios
# using the geometric mean.
ratio = gmean(ratio, axis=-1)
# 'Symmetric' means that the order of the conditions does not
# matter, so we should always return a ratio >= 1. So for any
# ratios that are < 1, use the inverse.
if self.symmetric:
# Add another dimension to the front where and 1 is its
# inverse, then select the max across that dimension
ratio_and_inverse = np.array([ratio, 1.0 / ratio])
ratio = np.max(ratio_and_inverse, axis=0)
return ratio
class OneSampleDifferenceTTest(LayoutPairTest):
"""A one-sample t-test where the input is given as pairs.
Input with two features (one on each row), eight samples
arranged as four pairs.
>>> table = np.array([[3, 2, 6, 4, 9, 6, 7, 3], [2, 4, 4, 7, 5, 1, 8, 3]])
Pairs are grouped together. Assume we have two conditions, the
even numbered samples are one condition and the odd numbered ones
are the other
>>> block_layout = [ [0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5], [6, 7] ]
>>> condition_layout = [ [0, 2, 4, 6], [1, 3, 5, 7] ]
Construct the test function with the condition and block layouts.
>>> test = OneSampleDifferenceTTest(condition_layout, block_layout)
Apply it to 1d input (the first feature in the table):
>>> print round(test(table[0]), 7)
Now 2d input (both features in the table):
>>> results = test(table)
>>> print round(results[0], 7)
>>> print round(results[1], 7)
name = "OneSampleDifferenceTTest"
def __init__(self, condition_layout, block_layout, alphas=None):
super(OneSampleDifferenceTTest, self).__init__(condition_layout, block_layout)
if not layout_is_paired(block_layout):
raise UnsupportedLayoutException(
"The block layout " + str(block_layout) + " " +
"is invalid for a one-sample difference t-test. " +
"Each block must be a pair, with exactly two items in it")
if len(condition_layout) != 2:
raise UnsupportedLayoutException(
"The condition layout " + str(condition_layout) + " " +
"is invalid for a one-sample difference t-test. " +
"There must be two conditions, and you have " +
str(len(condition_layout)) + ".")
self.child = OneSampleTTest(alphas)
def __call__(self, data):
pairs = self.block_layout
conds = self.condition_layout
values = []
for i in [ 0, 1 ]:
# Make a new layout that is just the item for each pair
# from condition i. layout will be a list of sets, each
# with just one index, since there is only one item from
# each pair with condition i. So flatten it into a list of
# indexes, and grab the corresponding values from the
# data.
layout = intersect_layouts(self.block_layout, [ conds[i] ])
idxs = list(itertools.chain(*layout))
values.append(data[..., idxs])
# Now just get the differences between the two sets of values
# and call the child statistic on those values.
return self.child(values[0] - values[1])
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