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joeytwiddle /
Last active June 3, 2024 22:36
Add all forks of the current repo as remotes
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
# See also: (same thing but in python)
origin_url="$(git remote show origin | grep 'Fetch URL:' | sed 's+.*: ++')"
full_repo_name="$(echo "$origin_url" | sed 's+.* ; s+\.git$++')"
aeris / death_letter.tex
Created August 9, 2018 10:00
Lettre de la mort GDPR
anonymous / products.csv
Created February 9, 2016 19:41
We can't make this file beautiful and searchable because it's too large.
ID,URL,Title,Used price (USD),New price (USD),Rank
B012W7BC5K,,Ghost Gifts,5.99,5.99,1
1607747308,,The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing,6.29,6.99,1
B011UNEZN8,,The Last Girl (The Dominion Trilogy Book 1),5.99,5.99,2
081298840X,,When Breath Becomes Air,11.05,11.38,2
0143124544,,Me Before You,9.0,9.6,3
B00T8RIK44,,Montana Cherries,4.99,4.99,3
0061804320,,"Happy Valentine's Day, Mouse! (If You Give...)",4.22,3.01,4
mtigas /
Last active August 4, 2024 16:24
Example code for running a (HTTP/HTTPS) Tor hidden service supporting subdomains.

The following files show an example of how to create subdomains for onion site hidden services. (This hasn't been tested for hidden services for anything other than HTTP/HTTPS.)

(You might also want to read our blog post about ProPublica’s Tor hidden service, including a tutorial and notes on running a hidden service: )

In general, this works (maybe just in recent Tor clients) because Tor will handle the connection to www.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.onion as a connection to xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.onion. The encapsulated HTTP/HTTPS connection contains the subdomain in the Host: header (and in the case of HTTPS, the SNI

gaearon / slim-redux.js
Last active May 5, 2024 15:14
Redux without the sanity checks in a single file. Don't use this, use normal Redux. :-)
function mapValues(obj, fn) {
return Object.keys(obj).reduce((result, key) => {
result[key] = fn(obj[key], key);
return result;
}, {});
function pick(obj, fn) {
return Object.keys(obj).reduce((result, key) => {
if (fn(obj[key])) {

Experimental Generation of Interpersonal Closeness

Instructions to Subjects Included With Task Slips Packet

This is a study of interpersonal closeness, and your task, which we think will be quite enjoyable, is simply to get close to your partner. We believe that the best way for you to get close to your partner is for you to share with them and for them to share with you. Of course, when we advise you about getting close to your partner, we are giving advice regarding your behavior in this demonstration only, we are not advising you about your behavior outside of this demonstration.

In order to help you get close we've arranged for the two of you to engage in a kind of sharing game. You're sharing time will be for about one hour, after which time we ask you to fill out a questionnaire concerning your experience of getting close to your partner.

You have been given three sets of slips. Each slip has a question or a task written on it. As soon as you both finish reading these instructions, you should

aras-p / preprocessor_fun.h
Last active September 8, 2024 07:43
Things to commit just before leaving your job
// Just before switching jobs:
// Add one of these.
// Preferably into the same commit where you do a large merge.
// This started as a tweet with a joke of "C++ pro-tip: #define private public",
// and then it quickly escalated into more and more evil suggestions.
// I've tried to capture interesting suggestions here.
// Contributors: @r2d2rigo, @joeldevahl, @msinilo, @_Humus_,
// @YuriyODonnell, @rygorous, @cmuratori, @mike_acton, @grumpygiant,
gak /
Last active February 4, 2022 18:34
My custom fish prompt code explained at
function _common_section
printf $c1
printf $argv[1]
printf $c0
printf ":"
printf $c2
printf $argv[2]
printf $argv[3]
printf $c0
printf ", "
jbonney / spotify_keybindings
Created June 9, 2013 13:22
Spotify - Linux key bindings. From XFCE / Ubuntu keyboard shortcuts configuration, assign the control command to their key.
"dbus-send --print-reply --dest=org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.spotify /org/mpris/MediaPlayer2 org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player.PlayPause" XF86AudioPlay
"dbus-send --print-reply --dest=org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.spotify /org/mpris/MediaPlayer2 org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player.Stop" XF86AudioStop
"dbus-send --print-reply --dest=org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.spotify /org/mpris/MediaPlayer2 org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player.Next" XF86AudioNext
"dbus-send --print-reply --dest=org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.spotify /org/mpris/MediaPlayer2 org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player.Previous" XF86AudioPrevious
akumria /
Last active March 9, 2024 01:39
A quick way to find all the forks of a particular github project. see: for a version which works now
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import urllib2
import json
import subprocess