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Forked from tomykaira/markdown-to-hiki.rb
Created December 18, 2013 08:06
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
ARGV.each do |fn|
lines = File.readlines(fn)
hiki = { |l|
l.sub(/^(#+)\s/){ '!'*($1.length) + ' ' }.
sub(/^(-+)\s/){ '*'*($1.length) + ' ' }.
gsub(/\!\[([^\]]+)\]\(([^\)]+)\)/){ $2[0..3] == 'http' ? $2 : ('' + $2) }. # picture
gsub(/\[([^\]]+)\]\(([^\)]+)\)/, '[[\1|\2]]'). # url
gsub(/\*\*([^*]*)\*\*/, "'''\\1'''").
sub(/^ /, ' ').
gsub(/`([^`]+)`/, '\'\'\1\'\'').
gsub('<span style="color:green">', 'Green: ').
gsub('<span style="color:red">', 'Red: ').
gsub(/<span style="color:.*">/, '').
gsub('</span>', '')
# コードブロック中の空行を修正
hiki.each_with_index { |l, idx|
if l == "\n" && hiki[idx-1].match(/^\s/) && hiki.size > idx+1 && hiki[idx+1].match(/^\s/)
hiki[idx] = " \n"
hiki_fn = fn.sub(/\.md$/, '.hiki')
open(hiki_fn, "w") { |f| f.write(hiki.join) }
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