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Created August 9, 2019 21:20
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function Get-VMInventory {
Retrieves detailed information about VMs from Hyper-V host or cluster
Retrieves information about a VM, it's disk, path, current resources and network properties.
Will query Hyper-V host or all nodes in a cluster if [$Cluster] is provided. Accepts [$Credential] parameter.
.PARAMETER ComputerName
Hyper-V host or cluster name
Set to true if cluster is to be queried
.PARAMETER Credential
Optional Credential parameter
Get-VMInventory -ComputerName 'HVHost1' | Format-Table -AutoSize
Name ComputerName DynamicMemoryEnabled MemoryMinimum MemoryMaximum MemoryAssigned MemoryStatus ProcessorCount DisksCount DiskCurrentSize
---- ------------ -------------------- ------------- ------------- -------------- ------------ -------------- ---------- --------------
Mgmt HVHost1 False 0,5 1024 0 4 1 23,99
Router-VyOS HVHost1 False 0,25 1024 0 1 1 0,5
S1_DC1 HVHost1 True 1 2 0 2 1 25,06
S1_DC2 HVHost1 True 0,5 2 0 2 1 29,1
WEC HVHost1 False 0,5 1024 0 6 2 49,08
Get-VMInventory -Computer 'HVCluster1' -Cluster -Credential (Get-Credential) | Format-Table -AutoSize
Name ComputerName DynamicMemoryEnabled MemoryMinimum MemoryMaximum MemoryAssigned MemoryStatus ProcessorCount DisksCount DiskCurrentSize
---- ------------ -------------------- ------------- ------------- -------------- ------------ -------------- ---------- ---------------
HVNode3-VyOS HVNode3 False 0,5 1024 1 1 1 0,91
OT-PLCON0 HVNode1 False 0,5 1024 2 1 1 29,91
OT-PLDHCP0 HVNode2 False 0,5 1024 2 1 1 19,94
OT-PLPDC0 HVNode4 False 0,5 1024 2 1 1 21,04
OT-PLSDC0 HVNode5 False 0,5 1024 2 1 1 23,88
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty
begin {
$connProperties = @{
ComputerName = $ComputerName
if ($Credential) {
$connProperties.Credential = $Credential
if ($Cluster) {
$Nodes = Invoke-Command @connProperties -ScriptBlock {
Get-ClusterNode | where-object { $PSItem.State -eq 'Up' } |
select-object -ExpandProperty Name
$connProperties.ComputerName = $Nodes
process {
Invoke-Command @connProperties -ScriptBlock {
$SelectObjectFilter = @(
@{name = 'IPAddress'; e = { $PSItem.IPAddresses -notmatch ':' } },
@{name = 'SwitchName'; e = { $PSItem.SwitchName } },
@{name = 'MacAddress'; e = { $Psitem.MacAddress } }
Get-VM | ForEach-Object {
Write-Verbose "ProcesiFng VM {$($PSItem.VMName)}"
Write-Verbose "Getting VM {$($PSItem.VMName)} disk information"
$disks = Get-VHD -VMId $PSItem.VMId -ComputerName $PSItem.ComputerName
$diskCount = $disks | Measure-Object |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count
$diskCurrentSize = $disks | Measure-Object -Sum -Property FileSize |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Sum
$diskMaximumSize = $disks | Measure-Object -Sum -Property Size |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Sum
Write-Verbose "Getting VM {$($PSItem.VMName)} network information"
$NetworkAdapters = @( Get-VMNetworkAdapter $PSItem |
Select-Object $SelectObjectFilter)
Name = $PSItem.Name
ComputerName = $PSItem.ComputerName
DynamicMemoryEnabled = $PSItem.DynamicMemoryEnabled
MemoryMinimum = [System.Math]::Round($PSItem.MemoryMinimum / 1GB, 2)
MemoryMaximum = [System.Math]::Round($PSItem.MemoryMaximum / 1GB, 2)
MemoryAssigned = [System.Math]::Round($PSItem.MemoryAssigned / 1GB, 2)
MemoryStatus = $PSItem.MemoryStatus
ProcessorCount = $PSItem.ProcessorCount
DisksCount = $diskCount
DiskCurrentSize = [System.Math]::Round($diskCurrentSize / 1GB, 2)
DiskMaximumSize = [System.Math]::Round($diskMaximumSize / 1GB, 2)
State = $PSitem.State
Uptime = $PSItem.Uptime
Version = $PSItem.Version
CreationTime = $PSItem.CreationTime
Path = $PSItem.Path
AutomaticStartAction = $PSItem.AutomaticStartAction
AutomaticStartDelay = $PSItem.AutomaticStartDelay
AutomaticStopAction = $PSItem.AutomaticStopAction
IntegrationServicesState = $PSItem.IntegrationServicesState
IntegrationServicesVersion = $PSitem.IntegrationServicesVersion
NetworkAdapters = $NetworkAdapters
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