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Last active April 4, 2018 15:14
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Reactive Programming resources


Essentialy this document is a compilation of articles, tutorials and personal experience on learning React programming and specifically, RxSwift and RxCocoa.

One of the best things of Rx is that you can use the same core concepts on any technology that has an implementation of this paradigm. With this in mind, the first section has general knowledge of this paradigm, so it will be useful for any platform (Java, Swift, JavasCript, even C#).

After that, the content will shift more towards iOS and Swift, with advanced content to get the most of RxSwift and RxCocoa.

Reactive Programming

Getting started

Your first lecture should be The introduction to Reactive programming you've been missing This will give you an overview of everything you need to know to start using Rx on your projects. There is also a EggHead Version if you feel like watching instead of reading.

Then, you can play a bit using RxMarbles to see observables in action.

After that, you should go on and read ReactiveX own into to Rx and the docs. This will give you a deeper understanding of how everything works under the hood.

Hands-On with RxSwift

So, by now you should have a somewhat clear understading of how Reactive Programming works, but as we all know, practice is the best way of learning, so it's time to learn some RxSwift and start writting some code.

First, read RxSwift Documentation there's no need to read it all, but make sure you understand it before starting to code.

After that, you should be good to go and start coding, Here are some examples built with RxSwift. You can also check the base project that also uses RxSwift heavily with some more advanced patterns. Finally, don't forget to check This Ray Wenderlich guide which has some really nice examples of using RxCocoa and RxSwift to build a github client.

Advanced patterns

This section has examples of more advanced usage of RxSwift on different things like Architecture patters, networking, etc.

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