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Last active August 11, 2018 04:22
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OT2 Pause Handler



  • Node v8 LTS
  • npm v6
    • Once Node is installed, use npm to upgrade itself
    • npm install --global npm@latest
  • Clone or download this repository
    • git clone ot2-pause-handler
    • Or Download it as ZIP

Once downloaded

# install dependencies
cd path/to/ot2-pause-handler
npm install


  1. Open the Opentrons App
  2. Upload your protocol with a robot.pause command
  3. Start the script with:
# by default, use USB-to-ethernet adapter address
node index.js

# specify a different IP (e.g. for WiFi)
node index.js ""
  1. Click "Run" in the app
  2. Script will detect when protocol goes from running to paused and run its doYourThing function
// checking OT2 RPC websocket for session state changes
'use strict'
const execa = require('execa')
const WebSocket = require('ws')
const {get, uniqueId} = require('lodash')
// get host and port from command line, defaulting to USB-to-ethernet address
const argv = process.argv.slice(2)
const HOST = argv[0] || '[fd00:0:cafe:fefe::1]'
const PORT = argv[1] || 31950
// RPC message types
const TYPE_CONTROL = 3
// RPC notification topics
const TOPIC_SESSION = 'session'
// session states
const STATE_RUNNING = 'running'
const STATE_PAUSED = 'paused'
let ws
let sessionId = null
let previousState = null
// start
function doYourThing() {
console.log('Doing your thing')
// example shell command to run
execa('sleep', ['1'])
// once the shell command has finished executing, call `resume`
.then(() => call('resume'))
function initializeRpcClient () {
const url = `ws://${HOST}:${PORT}`
console.log('Connecting to', url)
ws = new WebSocket(url)
// listen for RPC JSON messages on the websocket
ws.on('message', handleMessage)
function call (name, args = []) {
if (!sessionId) {
return console.error("Can't resume because we don't have a session")
console.log(`Calling method "${name}" on session ${sessionId}`)
// send a remote call of `resume` on the session object
$: {token: uniqueId('token')},
id: sessionId,
function handleMessage (data) {
const message = parseMessage(data)
// check the message metadata for the type of message
if (message.$.type === TYPE_NOTIFICATION) {
// if it's a notification, pull out the session state and handle do your
// thing if the state changed from running to paused
const {topic, payload: {state}} = getNotificationProps(message)
if (topic === TOPIC_SESSION) {
if (previousState === STATE_RUNNING && state === STATE_PAUSED) {
console.log(`Session changed from running to paused`)
previousState = state
} else if (message.$.type === TYPE_CONTROL) {
// if it's the control message (initial message sent by server), grab
// the session ID from the message to make RPC calls later on
sessionId = get(message, 'root.v.session_manager.v.session.i')
if (!sessionId) {
throw new Error('Protocol must be loaded before starting this utility')
console.log('Listening to session', sessionId)
function parseMessage (data) {
try {
return JSON.parse(data)
} catch (e) {
console.warn('Parse error', e)
return {}
function getNotificationProps(message) {
let {topic, payload} = get(message, 'data.v', {topic: null, payload: null})
return {topic, payload: get(payload, 'v')}
"name": "ot-pause-notification-client",
"version": "1.0.0",
"lockfileVersion": 1,
"requires": true,
"dependencies": {
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"resolved": "",
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"requires": {
"nice-try": "^1.0.4",
"path-key": "^2.0.1",
"semver": "^5.5.0",
"shebang-command": "^1.2.0",
"which": "^1.2.9"
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"is-stream": "^1.1.0",
"npm-run-path": "^2.0.0",
"p-finally": "^1.0.0",
"signal-exit": "^3.0.0",
"strip-eof": "^1.0.0"
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"version": "3.0.0",
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha1-jpQ9E1jcN1VQVOy+LtsFqhdO3hQ="
"is-stream": {
"version": "1.1.0",
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha1-EtSj3U5o4Lec6428hBc66A2RykQ="
"isexe": {
"version": "2.0.0",
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha1-6PvzdNxVb/iUehDcsFctYz8s+hA="
"lodash": {
"version": "4.17.10",
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"nice-try": {
"version": "1.0.4",
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"integrity": "sha512-2NpiFHqC87y/zFke0fC0spBXL3bBsoh/p5H1EFhshxjCR5+0g2d6BiXbUFz9v1sAcxsk2htp2eQnNIci2dIYcA=="
"npm-run-path": {
"version": "2.0.2",
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha1-NakjLfo11wZ7TLLd8jV7GHFTbF8=",
"requires": {
"path-key": "^2.0.0"
"p-finally": {
"version": "1.0.0",
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha1-P7z7FbiZpEEjs0ttzBi3JDNqLK4="
"path-key": {
"version": "2.0.1",
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha1-QRyttXTFoUDTpLGRDUDYDMn0C0A="
"semver": {
"version": "5.5.0",
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha512-4SJ3dm0WAwWy/NVeioZh5AntkdJoWKxHxcmyP622fOkgHa4z3R0TdBJICINyaSDE6uNwVc8gZr+ZinwZAH4xIA=="
"shebang-command": {
"version": "1.2.0",
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha1-RKrGW2lbAzmJaMOfNj/uXer98eo=",
"requires": {
"shebang-regex": "^1.0.0"
"shebang-regex": {
"version": "1.0.0",
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha1-2kL0l0DAtC2yypcoVxyxkMmO/qM="
"signal-exit": {
"version": "3.0.2",
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha1-tf3AjxKH6hF4Yo5BXiUTK3NkbG0="
"strip-eof": {
"version": "1.0.0",
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha1-u0P/VZim6wXYm1n80SnJgzE2Br8="
"which": {
"version": "1.3.1",
"resolved": "",
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"requires": {
"isexe": "^2.0.0"
"ws": {
"version": "6.0.0",
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha512-c2UlYcAZp1VS8AORtpq6y4RJIkJ9dQz18W32SpR/qXGfLDZ2jU4y4wKvvZwqbi7U6gxFQTeE+urMbXU/tsDy4w==",
"requires": {
"async-limiter": "~1.0.0"
"name": "ot2-pause-handler",
"private": true,
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"keywords": [],
"author": "Mike Cousins <>",
"engines": {
"node": ">=8",
"npm": ">=6"
"license": "Apache-2.0",
"dependencies": {
"execa": "^0.10.0",
"lodash": "^4.17.10",
"ws": "^6.0.0"
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