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Last active October 15, 2021 17:34
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  • Save mconcas/faa94e9d748d899862c3e9c9d30063e2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mconcas/faa94e9d748d899862c3e9c9d30063e2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#!/usr/bin/bash -x
rm -Rf data
rm ITSdictionary.root o2*.root
mkdir -p data
killall java
java -jar local.jar &
sleep 5
ln -s $HOME/alice/tracker/O2/Detectors/ITSMFT/ITS/macros/test/CreateDictionaries.C .
ln -s $HOME/alice/tracker/O2/Detectors/ITSMFT/ITS/macros/test/ITSMisaligner.C .
ln -s $HOME/alice/tracker/O2/Detectors/ITSMFT/ITS/macros/test/CheckTracksCA.C .
ln -s /data2/simdata/pp/1000/matbud.root .
o2-sim -n0 -m PIPE ITS
root -q -b ITSMisaligner.C++\(\"http://localhost:8080\",0,-1,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.1,0.1,0.1\)
# root -q -b ITSMisaligner.C++
rm o2sim_geometry.root
echo "### beams
Beams:idA 2212 # proton
Beams:idB 2212 # proton
Beams:eCM 900. # GeV
### processes
SoftQCD:inelastic on # all inelastic processes
### decays
ParticleDecays:limitTau0 on
ParticleDecays:tau0Max 10.
" >pythia8.cfg
o2-sim -m PIPE ITS --configKeyValues "GeneratorPythia8.config=pythia8.cfg;align-geom.mCCDB=http://localhost:8080/;align-geom.mDetectors=ITS" -n100 -g pythia8
o2-sim -m PIPE ITS --configKeyValues "GeneratorPythia8.config=pythia8.cfg" -n100 -g pythia8
o2-sim-digitizer-workflow -b --shm-segment-size 12000000000 --configKeyValues "align-geom.mCCDB=http://localhost:8080/;align-geom.mDetectors=ITS"
o2-its-reco-workflow --trackerCA -b --configKeyValues "ITSVertexerParam.phiCut=0.5;ITSVertexerParam.clusterContributorsCut=3;ITSVertexerParam.tanLambdaCut=0.2;"
root -b -q CreateDictionaries.C++
o2-its-reco-workflow --trackerCA -b --configKeyValues "ITSVertexerParam.phiCut=0.5;ITSVertexerParam.clusterContributorsCut=3;ITSVertexerParam.tanLambdaCut=0.2;" --tracking-mode async
root CheckTracksCA.C++
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