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Created August 17, 2018 05:02
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class RealmLock {
 private var _uiRealm: Realm? = null
fun getRealm(runningFromTransaction: Boolean = false): Realm {
 return if (MainThread.isMainThread()) {
 if (_uiRealm == null) {
 _uiRealm = Realm.getDefaultInstance()
 } else {
 if (!runningFromTransaction) {
 ExceptionThrower.trow("Getting realm instance on back thread must happen only from within transaction")
fun transaction(block: (realm: Realm) -> Unit) {
 var realm: Realm? = null
 try {
 realm = this.getRealm(true)
 realm.executeTransaction {
 } finally {
 if (!MainThread.isMainThread()) {
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