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Last active January 2, 2019 18:15
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Beginners SQL translated to DataScript
(ns trydatahike.beginnersql
(:require [datahike.api :as d :refer :all :exclude [filter]]
[clojure.string :as string]))
;;(require '[datahike.migrate :refer [export-db import-db]])
;;(export-db @bookconn "src/trydatahike/begsqldump.edn")
;;(import-db new-conn "src/trydatahike/begsqldump.edn")
;; SQL example translated to DataScript
;; This is a translation of the samples in "A BEGINNERS GUIDE TO SQL"
;; Into DataScript schema, data, and queries
(def uri "datahike:file:///tmp/beginnersql-test")
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Create the DB. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; only do this once
(def bookschema
{:member/id {:db.unique :db.unique/identity}
:book/id {:db.unique :db.unique/identity}
:book/title {}
:book/author {}
:borrowings/bookid {:db/type :db.type/ref}
:borrowings/memberid {:db/type :db.type/ref}})
(create-database-with-schema uri bookschema)
;; Do this each time
(def bookconn (d/connect uri))
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Populate the DB. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; NOTE - ONLY DO THIS ONCE unless you've deleted stuff.
@(d/transact bookconn [
{:member/id 1
:member/firstname "Sue"
:member/lastname "Mason"}
{:member/id 2
:member/firstname "Ellen"
:member/lastname "Horton"}
{:member/id 3
:member/firstname "Henry"
:member/lastname "Clarke"}
{:member/id 4
:member/firstname "Mike"
:member/lastname "Willis"}
{:member/id 5
:member/firstname "Lida"
:member/lastname "Tyler"}])
;; NOTE - ONLY DO THIS ONCE unless you've deleted stuff.
@(d/transact bookconn [
{:book/id 1
:book/title "Scion of Ikshvaku"
:book/author "Amish Tripathi"
:book/published "06-22-2015"
:book/stock 2}
{:book/id 2
:book/title "The Lost Symbol"
:book/author "Dan Brown"
:book/published "07-22-2010"
:book/stock 3}
{:book/id 3
:book/title "Who Will Cry When You Die?"
:book/author "Robin Sharma"
:book/published "06-15-2006"
:book/stock 4}
{:book/id 4
:book/title "Inferno"
:book/author "Dan Brown"
:book/published "05-05-2014"
:book/stock 2}
{:book/id 5
:book/title "The Fault in our Stars"
:book/author "John Green"
:book/published "01-03-2015"
:book/stock 3}
;; NOTE - ONLY DO THIS ONCE unless you've deleted stuff.
@(d/transact bookconn [
{:borrowings/bookid [:book/id 1]
:borrowings/memberid [:member/id 3]
:borrowings/borrowdate "01-20-2016"
:borrowings/returndate "03-17-2016"}
{:borrowings/bookid [:book/id 2]
:borrowings/memberid [:member/id 4]
:borrowings/borrowdate "01-19-2016"
:borrowings/returndate "03-23-2016"}
{:borrowings/bookid [:book/id 1]
:borrowings/memberid [:member/id 1]
:borrowings/borrowdate "02-17-2016"
:borrowings/returndate "05-18-2016"}
{:borrowings/bookid [:book/id 4]
:borrowings/memberid [:member/id 2]
:borrowings/borrowdate "12-15-2016"
:borrowings/returndate "04-13-2016"}
{:borrowings/bookid [:book/id 2]
:borrowings/memberid [:member/id 2]
:borrowings/borrowdate "01-18-2016"
:borrowings/returndate "04-19-2016"}
{:borrowings/bookid [:book/id 3]
:borrowings/memberid [:member/id 5]
:borrowings/borrowdate "02-29-2016"
:borrowings/returndate "04-11-2016"}
;;; END Create and Populate DB ;;;
;; smoke test db connection
;; entity ids of all books
(d/q '[:find ?e
:where [?e :book/author]]
;;;;;; QUERIES ;;;;;;
;; names and ids of dan brown books
;; SELECT bookid AS "id", title
;; FROM books
;; WHERE author='Dan Brown';
(d/q '[:find ?id ?title
[?a :book/author "Dan Brown"]
[?a :book/title ?title]
[?a :book/id ?id]]
;; ==> #{[2 "The Lost Symbol"] [4 "Inferno"]}
;; all borrowed books written by dan brown w/ return date
;; SELECT books.title AS "Title", borrowings.returndate AS "Return Date"
;; FROM borrowings JOIN books ON borrowings.bookid=books.bookid
;; WHERE'Dan Brown';
(d/q '[:find ?title ?return
[?bkid :book/author "Dan Brown"]
[?bbkid :borrowings/bookid ?bkid]
[?bkid :book/title ?title]
[?bbkid :borrowings/returndate ?return]]
;; ==> #{["Inferno" "04-13-2016"] ["The Lost Symbol" "04-19-2016"] ["The Lost Symbol" "03-23-2016"]}
;; first and last name of everyone who has borrowed a book by dan brown
;; SELECT members.firstname AS "First Name", members.lastname AS "Last Name"
;; FROM borrowings
;; JOIN books ON borrowings.bookid=books.bookid
;; JOIN members ON members.memberid=borrowings.memberid
;; WHERE'Dan Brown';
(d/q '[:find ?first ?last
[?bkid :book/author "Dan Brown"]
[?bbkid :borrowings/bookid ?bkid]
[?bbkid :borrowings/memberid ?memid]
[?memid :member/firstname ?first]
[?memid :member/lastname ?last]]
;; ==> #{["Mike" "Willis"] ["Ellen" "Horton"]}
;; number of dan brown books borrowed per member
;; members.firstname AS "First Name",
;; members.lastname AS "Last Name",
;; count(*) AS "Number of books borrowed"
;; FROM borrowings
;; JOIN books ON borrowings.bookid=books.bookid
;; JOIN members ON members.memberid=borrowings.memberid
;; WHERE'Dan Brown'
;; GROUP BY members.firstname, members.lastname;
(d/q '[:find ?first ?last (count ?bkid)
[?bkid :book/author "Dan Brown"]
[?bbkid :borrowings/bookid ?bkid]
[?bbkid :borrowings/memberid ?memid]
[?memid :member/firstname ?first]
[?memid :member/lastname ?last]]
;; ==> (["Ellen" "Horton" 2] ["Mike" "Willis" 1])
;; total stock of books per author
;; BUG! Returns 3 when both dan brown books stock is 3
;; for now changed one of of the stock values
;; SELECT author, sum(stock)
;; FROM books
;; GROUP BY author;
(d/q '[:find ?author (sum ?stock)
[?b :book/author ?author]
[?b :book/stock ?stock]]
;; ==> (["Amish Tripathi" 2] ["John Green" 3] ["Robin Sharma" 4] ["Dan Brown" 5])
;; stock of books by a given author
;; FROM (SELECT author, sum(stock)
;; FROM books
;; GROUP BY author) AS results
;; WHERE author='Robin Sharma';
(d/q '[:find ?author (sum ?stock)
[?b :book/author "Robin Sharma"]
[?b :book/author ?author]
[?b :book/stock ?stock]
;; ==> (["Robin Sharma" 4])
;; title and ID of books written by authors whose stock > 3
;; SELECT title, bookid
;; FROM books
;; WHERE author IN (SELECT author
;; FROM (SELECT author, sum(stock)
;; FROM books
;; GROUP BY author) AS results
;; WHERE sum > 3);
(d/q '[:find ?title ?id
:in $ [[?author ?totalstock]]
[?a :book/author ?author]
[?a :book/title ?title]
[?a :book/id ?id]
[(> ?totalstock 3)]]
(d/q '[:find ?author (sum ?stock)
[?b :book/author ?author]
[?b :book/stock ?stock]]
;; #{["Who Will Cry When You Die?" 3] ["The Lost Symbol" 2] ["Inferno" 4]}
;; Books that have above average stock
;; FROM books
;; WHERE stock>(SELECT avg(stock) FROM books);
(d/q '[:find ?title
:in $ [[?avgstock]]
[?a :book/stock ?s]
[?a :book/title ?title]
[(> ?s ?avgstock)]]
(d/q '[:find (avg ?stock)
[_ :book/stock ?stock]]
; #{["Who Will Cry When You Die?"]}
;; update Dan Brown stock to zero
;; get dan brown entity ids and stock per title
(d/q '[:find ?e ?title ?stock
[?e :book/author "Dan Brown"]
[?e :book/title ?title]
[?e :book/stock ?stock]]
; #{[9 "Inferno" 2] [7 "The Lost Symbol" 3]}
; note, entity ids may change if book is deleted and recreated
;; look up dan brown book entities and set stock to 0 in each
;; UPDATE books
;; SET stock=0
;; WHERE author='Dan Brown';
(let [eids (d/q '[:find ?e
[?e :book/author "Dan Brown"]]
tx (fn [eid]
@(d/transact bookconn [{:db/id (first eid) :book/stock 0}]))]
(map tx eids))
;; restore stock lost symbol = 3, inferno = 2
(let [inferno (d/q '[:find ?e
[?e :book/title "Inferno"]]
symbol (d/q '[:find ?e
[?e :book/title "The Lost Symbol"]]
@(d/transact bookconn [{:db/id (ffirst inferno) :book/stock 2}
{:db/id (ffirst symbol) :book/stock 3}]))
;; Delete Dan Brown books
;; DELETE FROM books
;; WHERE author='Dan Brown';
(let [eids (d/q '[:find ?e
[?e :book/author "Dan Brown"]]
tx (fn [eid]
@(d/transact bookconn [[:db.fn/retractEntity (first eid)]]))]
(map tx eids))
;; members who borrowed any book with a total stock that was above average.
;; SELECT members.firstname || ' ' || members.lastname AS "Full Name"
;; FROM borrowings
;; JOIN members
;; ON members.memberid=borrowings.memberid
;; JOIN books
;; ON books.bookid=borrowings.bookid
;; WHERE borrowings.bookid
;; IN (SELECT bookid FROM books WHERE stock> (SELECT avg(stock) FROM books))
;; GROUP BY members.firstname, members.lastname;
(d/q '[:find ?first ?last
:in $ [[?avgstock]]
[?a :book/stock ?s]
[(> ?s ?avgstock)]
[?b :borrowings/bookid ?a] ;book entity => borrowings member
[?b :borrowings/memberid ?m]
[?n :member/id ?m] ;borrowings member => member
[?n :member/firstname ?first]
[?n :member/lastname ?last]]
(d/q '[:find (avg ?stock)
[_ :book/stock ?stock]]
; #{["Lida" "Tyler"]}
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