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Last active January 21, 2020 20:37
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take 2 on adminFee - using ragequit
adminFee = totalLoot+totalShares/adminFeeDenominator
if adminFeeDenominator is greater than or equal to 200, then adminFee <= .5% -- allows LAO to reduce fees
//summoningTime = now/time contract deployed
uint256 public lastPaymentTime = summoningTime + paymentPeriod;
//uint256 paymentPeriod = 90 days; //every quarter.
uint256 paymentPeriod = 300 seconds; //remix test 5 min, use 90 days for real contract
function withdrawAdminFee (uint256 adminFeeDenominator) public onlySummoner {
//require > 90 days (lastPaymentTime) have passed since last withdrawal
require (now >= lastPaymentTime, "90 days have not passed since last withdrawal");
//update and increment lastPaymentTime by 1 paymentPeriod
lastPaymentTime = lastPaymentTime.add(paymentPeriod);
//check admin fee is less than .5%%
//if divide by => 200, admin fee will be .5% or less every 90 days.
require(adminFeeDenominator => 200);
//.05% or less of all assets
uint256 adminFee = (totalLoot.add(totalShares)).div(adminFeeDenominator);
//add admin Fee to summoner's loot (not shares - don't need voting power)
members[summoner].loot = members[summoner].loot.add(adminFee);
//add adminFee to totalLoot
totalLoot = totalLoot.add(adminFee);
//burn through ragequit immediately
//ragequit(shares, loot)
ragequit(0, adminFee);
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