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Created January 23, 2020 22:04
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take 4 adminFee
pragma solidity 0.5.3;
adminFee = totalLoot+totalShares/adminFeeDenominator
if adminFeeDenominator is greater than or equal to 200, then adminFee will be less than or equal to .5%
-- allows LAO to reduce fees if desired, but not required to reduce .
Using OpenZeppelin's Ownable.sol contract to manage who is the service provider. It will be The LAO at launch.
withdrawAdminFee can direct an amount up to .5% of the assets under management (adminFee)
to any address (laoFund) after 90 days from the last time the function was called.
This function can only be called by the Owner.
Summoner as agent and sole member will enter into agreement with LAO as service provider.
LAO will be the "Owner" under the Ownable.sol contract
Trust assumption: (upheld by valid legal documents under Delaware law): if Member's go through voting process to name
a service provider other than LAO, than LAO will step down and transfer Owner to the new named service provider.
LAO - will probably use OpenLaw relayer to automate call every 90 days to ensure adminFee is collected in a timely manner.
import "";
contract Moloch is ReentrancyGuard, Ownable {
using SafeMath for uint256;
uint256 paymentPeriod = 90 days; //every quarter.
//uint256 paymentPeriod = 300 seconds; //remix test 5 min, use 90 days for real contract
//SERGEI - solution to call payment in a timely manner.
uint256 public lastPaymentTime = summoningTime;
function withdrawAdminFee (uint256 adminFeeDenominator, address laoFundAddress, address[] memory tokens) public onlyOwner nonReentrant {
//total up all shares and looot
uint256 initialTotalSharesAndLoot = totalShares.add(totalLoot);
//SERGEI - solution to incentivize timely payment.
require (now >= lastPaymentTime.add(paymentPeriod), "90 days have not passed since last withdrawal");
//SERGEI - reset lastPaymentTime : solution to incentivize payment call in a timely manner.
lastPaymentTime =now;
//check admin fee is less than .5%%
//if divide by => 200, admin fee will be .5% or less every 90 days.
//under consideration -- (shares * 5) / 1000 more readable then shares / 200 -- if hardcoding - Sergei.
require(adminFeeDenominator >= 199); //199 to get .5% - Heiko
//.05% or less of all assets
//uint256 adminFee = (totalLoot.add(totalShares)).div(adminFeeDenominator);
uint256 adminFee = initialTotalSharesAndLoot.div(adminFeeDenominator);
//HEIKO - loop borrowed from _ragequit, go through tokens, calculate fair share, credit to laoFundAddress
for (uint256 i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
uint256 amountToRagequit = fairShare(userTokenBalances[GUILD][tokens[i]], adminFee, initialTotalSharesAndLoot);
// deliberately not using safemath here to keep overflows from preventing the function execution (which would break ragekicks)
// if a token overflows, it is because the supply was artificially inflated to oblivion, so we probably don't care about it anyways
userTokenBalances[GUILD][tokens[i]] -= amountToRagequit;
userTokenBalances[laoFundAddress][tokens[i]] += amountToRagequit;
} //withdrawAdminFee end
}//k end
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If we're doing the iteration over the tokens ourselves, shares are not needed anymore.
Also, we're currently making a few changes in and around the loop, so, for simplicity, here's a version of this function as I would write it.
I removed the comments. Of course, you can add them again, as you see fit.
Most importantly: The code is untested!

This version iterates over all whitelisted tokens. It is not impossible to write a more sophisticated version of this function that receives as input a list of tokens, so that some tokens can be excluded. However, there would be some subtle gas-related points to consider, so I suggest to stick to this version.

The final code is quite short and should be pretty self-explanatory, but if there are any questions, please feel free to ask.

contract Moloch is ReentrancyGuard, Ownable {
    using SafeMath for uint256;


    uint256 constant paymentPeriod = 90 days;
    uint256 public lastPaymentTime = summoningTime;

    function withdrawAdminFee(uint256 adminFeeDenominator, address laoFundAddress) public nonReentrant onlyOwner {
        require(adminFeeDenominator >= 200);

        require (now >= lastPaymentTime.add(paymentPeriod), "90 days have not passed since last withdrawal");
        lastPaymentTime = now;

        for (uint256 i = 0; i < approvedTokens.length; i++) {
            address token = approvedTokens[i];
            uint256 amount = userTokenBalances[GUILD][token] / adminFeeDenominator;
            if (amount > 0) { // otherwise skip for efficiency
                unsafeInternalTransfer(GUILD, laoFundAddress, token, amount);

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mcchan1 commented Jan 27, 2020

Without the laoFundAddress parameter... and having it transfer back to owner/msg.sender...

    using SafeMath for uint256;


    uint256 constant paymentPeriod = 90 days;
    uint256 public lastPaymentTime = summoningTime;

// @param adminFeeDenoimnator must be >= 200. Greater than 200, will equal 0.5% or less of assets.  
//This results in Token Assets Under LAO/adminFeeDenominator

    function withdrawAdminFee(uint256 adminFeeDenominator) public nonReentrant onlyOwner {
        require(adminFeeDenominator >= 200);
        require (now >= lastPaymentTime.add(paymentPeriod), "90 days have not passed since last withdrawal");
        lastPaymentTime = now;

        for (uint256 i = 0; i < approvedTokens.length; i++) {
            address token = approvedTokens[i];
            uint256 amount = userTokenBalances[GUILD][token] / adminFeeDenominator;
            if (amount > 0) { // otherwise skip for efficiency
                unsafeInternalTransfer(GUILD, msg.sender, token, amount); //transfer tokens to msg.sender/Owner

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The main change looks good to me.
But note that in the line uint256 amount = userTokenBalances[GUILD][token] / adminFeeDenominator; you changed the single / to //. The original version was correct, because this is intended to be a division.

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mcchan1 commented Jan 27, 2020

thank you... also if we want .5% which is more accurate: >=200 or >=199

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In this version, it's >= 200, because you're not minting new shares/loot.

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