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Created July 23, 2014 13:03
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package utils.anorm
import anorm.ParameterValue
import anorm.SQL
* @see Copy from
* @param query
* @param parameterValues
class RichSQL(val query: String, val parameterValues: (Any, ParameterValue[Any])*) {
* Convert this object into an anorm.SqlQuery
def toSQL = SQL(query).on(parameterValues: _*)
* Similar to anorm.SimpleSql.on, but takes lists instead of single values.
* Each list is converted into a set of values, and then passed to anorm's
* on function when toSQL is called.
def onList[A](args: (String, Iterable[A])*)(implicit toParameterValue: (A) => ParameterValue[A]) = {
val condensed = {
case (name, values) =>
val search = "{" + name + "}"
val valueNames = {
case (value, index) => name + "_" + index
val placeholders = {
name => "{" + name + "}"
val replace = placeholders.mkString(",")
val converted = {
value => toParameterValue(value).asInstanceOf[ParameterValue[Any]]
val parameters =
(search, replace, parameters)
val newQuery = condensed.foldLeft(query) {
case (newQuery, (search, replace, _)) =>
newQuery.replace(search, replace)
val newValues = parameterValues ++ {
case (_, _, parameters) => parameters
new RichSQL(newQuery, newValues: _*)
object RichSQL {
def apply[A](query: String) = new RichSQL(query)
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