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Last active March 12, 2018 17:46
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Save mbarnkob/ac8f6c60555700119442 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
R code for generating a network of referring articles from pubmed. More info here:
#Article Network ver 2
# This program will scrape all citing articles surrounding one main article and
# create: 1) a list of most cited articles, 2) lists of main authors, 3) network of articles
# Mike Barnkob, December 28th 2015.
#Background and references
#Load libraries
if (!require('XML')) install.packages('XML'); library('XML')
if (!require('rentrez')) install.packages('rentrez'); library('rentrez')
if (!require('igraph')) install.packages('igraph'); library('igraph')
#Set working directory
setwd("~/Dropbox/Projekter/2015 - Article Network")
#RETRIEVE DATA - this will take some time, depending on number of levels to iterate through
#Pubmed ID to start from - retrieve data and setup data frames
startnode <- c(11953749)
num_of_levels <- 4 #number of article "levels" from the start node
#Get initial data from startnode - this will form the spring/center node
startnode_links <- entrez_link(dbfrom='pubmed', id=startnode, db='all')
startnode_citations <- startnode_links$links$pubmed_pubmed_citedin
#startnode_links$links #shows all the link-out info available
startnode_data <- entrez_summary(db="pubmed", id=startnode)
#Creates node list - will contain data on all nodes
nodes <- data.frame(PubmedID = startnode_data$uid,
Title = startnode_data$title,
Last_Author = startnode_data$lastauthor,
Year = substr(startnode_data$pubdate, 0, 4),
Pubtype = startnode_data$pubtype,
Citations = startnode_data$pmcrefcount,
Level = 0)
#Create Edges list - will contain to and from data
edges <- data.frame(From = startnode_citations, To = rep(startnode, times = length(startnode_citations)))
#Loop through pubmedIDs to generate list
for(l in 1:num_of_levels) {
tofind_list <- c() #reset list
cat("Level:", l, ".")
for(i in 1:length(startnode_citations)) {
cat(i, ", ") #output id, to check program is still running
#Get node data - but only if not already in node-list
if(startnode_citations[i] %in% nodes$PubmedID == FALSE) {
node_data <- entrez_summary(db="pubmed", id=startnode_citations[i])
nodes <- rbind(nodes, data.frame(PubmedID = node_data$uid,
Title = node_data$title,
Last_Author = node_data$lastauthor,
Year = substr(node_data$pubdate, 0, 4),
Pubtype = node_data$pubtype,
Citations = node_data$pmcrefcount,
Level = l))
#Get edge data
node_links <- entrez_link(dbfrom='pubmed', id=startnode_citations[i], db='all')
node_citations <- node_links$links$pubmed_pubmed_citedin
if (length(node_citations > 0)) {
edges <- rbind(edges, data.frame(From = node_citations, To = rep(startnode_citations[i], times = length(startnode_citations[i]))))
tofind_list <- append(tofind_list, node_links$links$pubmed_pubmed_citedin) #Add citations from this article to next list to find
startnode_citations <- unique(tofind_list) #Make new citation list from all edges found at previous level (but only once, hence the unique function)
#Find missing nodes
missing_nodes_IDs <- as.vector(edges[!(edges$From %in% nodes$PubmedID), ][1])
#Remove duplicate nodes
nrow(nodes[duplicated(nodes$PubmedID), ]) #count number of duplicates
nrow(nodes[!duplicated(nodes$PubmedID), ])
nodes <- nodes[!duplicated(nodes$PubmedID), ]
#Loop through missing list
for(i in 1:nrow(missing_nodes_IDs)) {
cat(missing_nodes_IDs$From[i]) #output id, to check program is still running
node_data <- entrez_summary(db="pubmed", id=missing_nodes_IDs$From[i])
#Check that data exists
if (length(node_data$pubtype) > 0) {
node_data_pubtype = node_data$pubtype
} else {
node_data_pubtype = "NA"
#Get node data
nodes <- rbind(nodes, data.frame(PubmedID = node_data$uid,
Title = node_data$title,
Last_Author = node_data$lastauthor,
Year = substr(node_data$pubdate, 0, 4),
Pubtype = node_data_pubtype,
Citations = node_data$pmcrefcount,
Level = num_of_levels+1))
#Check that there are no missing nodes left - should give NULL result
missing_nodes_IDs <- as.vector(edges[!(edges$From %in% nodes$PubmedID), ][1])
#Remove duplicate nodes
nrow(nodes[duplicated(nodes$PubmedID), ]) #count number of duplicates
nrow(nodes[!duplicated(nodes$PubmedID), ])
nodes <- nodes[!duplicated(nodes$PubmedID), ]
write.table(nodes, file="nodes.csv", sep = ",", col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)
write.table(edges, file="edges.csv", sep = ",", col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)
nodes <- read.csv2("nodes.csv", = TRUE, header = TRUE, sep = ",",
#nrows = 100,
row.names = NULL
edges <- read.csv2("edges.csv", = TRUE, header = TRUE, sep = ",",
#nrows = 100,
row.names = NULL
net <- graph_from_data_frame(edges, directed=TRUE, vertices=nodes)
cutoff <- 30
#Degree distribution
dd <- degree.distribution(net, cumulative=T, mode="all")
plot(dd, pch=19, cex=0.5, col="orange", xlab="Degree", ylab="Cumulative Frequency")
#Whole network with highly citated nodes outlined in red
l <- layout_with_lgl(net) #very large graph layout
l <- layout.norm(l, ymin=-1, ymax=1, xmin=-1, xmax=1) #Sets up graph area
in_degree <- degree(net, mode="in") #mode can be all, out or in
vertex.size = log(in_degree+1), #Size of node determained by connections into it
vertex.label.color = "black",
#vertex.label = ifelse(degree(net, mode = "in", loops = FALSE) > cutoff, V(net)$Last_Author, NA),
vertex.label = NA,
vertex.color = ifelse(degree(net, mode = "in", loops = FALSE) > cutoff, "red", "white"), #Color nodes differently based on their pubtype
edge.width = .4,
edge.curved = 0,
edge.arrow.size = 0,
rescale = FALSE,
main = "Network",
layout = l*1.4 #For playing around with the size of the graph
legend(x=-2, y=-1, # position
legend = c(paste("Nodes >", cutoff, "degrees"), paste("Nodes <", cutoff, " degrees")),
pch = 21, #open point = c("Red","White"),
cex=.8, bty="n",
legend(x=1, y=-1, # position
legend = c(paste("Nodes :", vcount(net)), paste("Edges :", ecount(net))), = c("black"),
cex=.8, bty="n",
#Show data for articles with a minimum number of citations
net.vs <- V(net)[degree(net) < cutoff] #identify those vertices part of less than cutoff value
net.cutoff <- delete.vertices(net, net.vs) #exclude them from object
#create dataframe
list_of_articles <- data.frame(PubmedID = V(net.cutoff)$name, Last_Author = V(net.cutoff)$Last_Author, Title = V(net.cutoff)$Title, Pubtype = V(net.cutoff)$Pubtype)
write.table(list_of_articles, file="significant-articles.csv", sep = ",", col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)
#Show top 10 of last authors have published most
top_authors <-$Last_Author))
top_authors[order(top_authors$Freq, decreasing = TRUE)[1:10], ]
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