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Created September 12, 2017 19:44
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Instructions on how to reboot the network at our old company's old building, done Zork style. Courtesy of David "Kitchen" Sinck
Welcome to Ilork!
ilork> look
You are in the office. The internet is down. To the East, there is a glass door to the hallway.
ilork> east
You are in a hallway leading North and South, facing elevator doors
ilork> open door
The elevator door opens
ilork> down
You are at ground level
ilork> open door
The elevator door opens, and you exit to the ground floor. You are in a hallway facing a large
atrium, with a hallway running North and South.
ilork> north
You are in a hallway, there are doors on the East wall.
ilork> north
You are in a hallway, there is a door here.
ilork> look
The door is labeled 'Telecommunications Room' and has a key lock dangling from the handle.
ilork> type '2860' on key lock
You hear mocking laughter emanating from the key lock.
ilork> type '2560' on key lock
The key lock opens and a key falls into your hands.
ilork> south
You are in a hallway.
ilork> south
You are in the main atrium.
ilork> south
You are in a hallway, there are doors here.
ilork> south
You are in a hallway, there is a door here.
ilork> look
The door is labeled 'Telecommunications Room'
ilork> open door with key
The door is unlocked.
ilork> east
You are in the South Telco Closet. Many snaky wires confront you, along with a prominent
black cord leading to the power outlet.
ilork> look at cord
The cord leads above your head to a UPS. Three plugs in the UPS are filled, on the 'surge
protection only' side. The 'battery and surge protection' side of the UPS is empty.
ilork> remove cord from outlet
Fans stop, the room goes quiet.
ilork> wait 30 seconds
Time passes
ilork> replace cord in outlet
Fans start, lights start blinking.
ilork> west
You are in a hallway
ilork> lock door
The door is locked
ilork> north north north north
You are in a hallway with a door.
ilork> replace key in dangly thing
Key is replaced.
ilork> quit
Your score is 42 and you have achieved the rank of 'cable monkey'.
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