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Created July 1, 2022 16:57
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My personal ~/.gitconfig file
autocrlf = input
name = Mauro A. Meloni
email =
# the following is only available on git 2.35+
# signingkey = ssh-ed25519 ...
ff = only
ignore = update-index --assume-unchanged --
unignore = update-index --no-assume-unchanged --
ignored = !git ls-files -v | grep "^[[:lower:]]"
stashtus = stash list --name-status
stashdif = stash show -p
# stashdif = stash show
cached = diff --cached
ready = diff --cached
unstage = restore --staged
soft-undo = !git show $1 | git apply -R
co = checkout
sw = switch
# gpgsign = true
# the following is only available on git 2.35+
# format = ssh
conflictstyle = diff3
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