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Created August 31, 2020 03:40
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brute-pipe is a bruteforce code purposely written for the Pipe challenge of the Ekoparty Pre-CTF 2020
// this was coded in a rush; you've been warned
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <openssl/md5.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#define START 0xf7000000 // we should start at 0, but it will take a lot of time
#define BLOCK_SIZE 38
void printhex(unsigned char *str, int n) {
int i;
for (i=0; i < n; i++)
printf("%02x", str[i]);
printf(" ");
for (i=0; i < n; i++)
putchar(isprint(str[i]) ? str[i] : '.');
int main (int argc, char argv[]) {
unsigned char cVar1;
uint uVar2;
int i;
unsigned char input[BLOCK_SIZE] = "\xd7\x40\xa5\xdc\x60\x7f\x78\xfb\xff\xe5\x20\xef\xc7\xca\xeb\xd2\x13\x79\x40\xdd\xb2\x6c\x30\xc2\xfd\x37\xed\x74\x3b\x77\x03\x8d\x32\x6a\x9c\x7e\x7e\x80";
unsigned char output[BLOCK_SIZE];
unsigned char hash[MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH];
unsigned char expected_hash[MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH] = "\x08\x0d\x5c\xaa\xed\x95\xaf\x9a\xb0\x72\xc4\x1d\xe3\xa7\x3c\x24";
uint seed;
for (seed = START; seed < UINT_MAX; seed++) {
if (!(seed & 0x000fffff)) {
printf("\r Seed: 0x%08x (%u)", seed, seed);
for (i = 0; i < BLOCK_SIZE; i++) {
cVar1 = input[i];
uVar2 = rand();
output[i] = ((int)cVar1 ^ uVar2 & 0xff);
MD5(output, BLOCK_SIZE, hash);
if (!memcmp(hash, expected_hash, MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH)) {
printf("\rFound matching MD5 with seed 0x%08x (%u)\n", seed, seed);
printf("Output: %.*s\n", BLOCK_SIZE, output);
printf(" Input: "); printhex(input, BLOCK_SIZE);
printf("Output: "); printhex(output, BLOCK_SIZE);
printf("Target: "); printhex(expected_hash, MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH);
printf(" Hash: "); printhex(hash, MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH);
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