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Last active February 8, 2022 14:34
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Type Guards
/** A `TypeGuard` is a function that checks that an unknown value is of certain type. */
export type TypeGuard<A> =
(value: unknown) => value is A;
const number: TypeGuard<number> = (value: unknown): value is number =>
typeof value === 'number';
const string: TypeGuard<string> = (value: unknown): value is string =>
typeof value === 'string';
const null_: TypeGuard<null> = (value: unknown): value is null =>
value === null;
const boolean: TypeGuard<boolean> = (value: unknown): value is boolean =>
typeof value === 'boolean';
function literal<Literal extends string | number | boolean | null | undefined>(literal: Literal): TypeGuard<Literal> {
return (value: unknown): value is Literal =>
value === literal;
function array<A>(typeGuard: TypeGuard<A>): TypeGuard<Array<A>> {
return (value: unknown): value is Array<A> =>
value instanceof Array
&& value.every(typeGuard);
function object<A>(shape: { [key in keyof A]: TypeGuard<A[key]> }): TypeGuard<A> {
return (value: unknown): value is A =>
typeof value === 'object'
&& value !== null
&& Object.entries(shape).every(([key, typeGuard]) =>
key in value
&& (typeGuard as any)(value[key])
type ToUnion<TypeGuards> =
TypeGuards extends [TypeGuard<infer First>, ...infer Others]
? First | ToUnion<Others>
: never;
function union<
TypeGuards extends TypeGuard<any>[]
...args: TypeGuards
): TypeGuard<ToUnion<TypeGuards>> {
return (value: unknown): value is ToUnion<TypeGuards> =>
args.some(typeGuard => (typeGuard as any)(value));
type ToTuple<TypeGuards> =
TypeGuards extends [TypeGuard<infer First>, ...infer Others]
? [First, ...ToTuple<Others>]
: [];
function tuple<
TypeGuards extends TypeGuard<any>[]
...args: TypeGuards
): TypeGuard<ToTuple<TypeGuards>> {
return (value: unknown): value is ToTuple<TypeGuards> =>
value instanceof Array
&& args.every((typeGuard, index) => typeGuard(value[index]));
export default {
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