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Created November 15, 2016 14:41
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* This code wasextracted from College Laundry Bot's admin panel.
* This server API route provides a long polling check on the authentication status.
* User needs to send a one-time password (provided on the admin panel) to the Telegram bot.
* The bot validates, and sets approval on the user's request. The admin panel on the other hand
* would periodically long-poll on the status of the approval. Once approved, a JsonWebToken given
* to user.
*/'/check', (req, res, next) => {
var username = req.body.username;
var code = req.body.code;
var pollTimer = null;
var retryCount = 0;
var checkAuth = () => {
if (retryCount > 5) {
pollTimer = clearInterval(pollTimer);
return res.status(401).json({"error": "Authentication failed"});
exchangeCodeForTokenWhenApprovedPromise(username, code)
.then((result) => {
pollTimer = clearInterval(pollTimer);
res.json({ "status": "ok", role: result.admin.groupRole, token: result.token });
.catch((err) => {});
pollTimer = setInterval(checkAuth, 2500);
* This code was extracted from
* Using AngularJS, this 60-LoC file forms the controller neccessary for the frontend of a file tree component
* to be working.
* Whenever a folder from the list is selected, the code will request the server for the list of files in that path.
const app = require('../../app');
let $controller = function ($http, $scope) {
let $ctrl = this;
$scope.path = [];
$scope.files = [];
$scope.isLoading = false;
let domain = $ctrl.domain;
let user = $ctrl.user;
let repo = $ctrl.repo;
let browsePath = () => {
$scope.isLoading = true;
$http.get('/api/repository/browse', { params: { domain: domain, user: user, repo: repo, path: '/' + $scope.path.join('/') } })
.then((res) => {
$scope.isLoading = false;
$scope.files =;
$scope.$on('filetree.loadpath', (e, path) => {
$scope.path = path;
$scope.goUpFolder = () => {
if ($scope.path.length === 0) {
$ = (file) => {
if (file.isFile) {
$scope.$emit('', { file: file, path: $scope.path.concat([]) });
$scope.$emit('', $scope.path);
$scope.openFolder = (folderName) => {
app.component('fileTree', {
templateUrl: '/assets/views/FileTree/view.html',
controller: $controller,
bindings: {
domain: '=',
user: '=',
repo: '='
* Code was extracted from
* Gulp provides build automation and this script will build all frontend dependencies from bower
* into the web app public folder (which can be deleted and re-generated from source using Gulp).
* I do not need to care whether the CSS of the dependency is written in Sass or Less, the build
* automation script takes care of it.
* JavaScript and CSS are also uglified (compacted + minified) for production towards the end. If
* the environment is in development, sourcemaps are also produced so that the code can be seen in
* the browser's inspector tool.
var gulp = require('gulp');
var $ = require('gulp-load-plugins')({
pattern : ['gulp-*', 'main-bower-files', 'del'],
camelize: true
* Code performs gulp building from the bower_components folder.
* For all Less, Sass and CSS files, they are first compiled/copied into a
* temp directory before being concatenated into a single CSS file
* @exports null
(() => {
'use strict';
* Compile Less files from bower components into CSS in the temp directory
gulp.task('bower-less', () => {
return gulp.src($.mainBowerFiles())
* Compile Sass files from bower components into CSS in the temp directory
gulp.task('bower-sass', () => {
return gulp.src($.mainBowerFiles())
* Copy font files from bower components folder into the public assets folder
gulp.task('bower-fonts', () => {
return gulp.src(
* Copy CSS files from bower components folder into the temp directory
gulp.task('bower-css', () => {
return gulp.src($.mainBowerFiles())
* concatenate all CSS files in the temp directory, clean them and copy
* them into the public assets folder
gulp.task('bower-stylesheets', ['bower-less', 'bower-sass', 'bower-css'], () => {
return gulp.src(
.pipe($.replace('../font/', '../fonts/'))
* Process all bower components JS files into public assets folder as
* vendor.js
gulp.task('bower-js', () => {
var jsFilter = $.filter('**/*.js');
return gulp.src($.mainBowerFiles())
.pipe($.if(process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development', $.sourcemaps.init({loadMaps: true})))
.pipe($.if(process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development', $.sourcemaps.write('./')))
* Process bower JS, CSS and font resources
gulp.task('bower', ['bower-js', 'bower-stylesheets', 'bower-fonts']);
* This code was extracted from
* These two functions are interesting: createTicketAndGroup creates both a ticket and group in a single command.
* while createTicket only creates a ticket. Since these operations needs to be executed atomically, a
* DBMS transaction needs to be created and all operations must execute within the context of the transactions.
* However, the functions took care of whether or not transactions have been created or not, if the function was
* called without a transaction context, it will create one for itself.
* This allows createTicketAndGroup to re-use createTicket easily and passing the transaction context down to it.
let createTicket = (numberOfPeople, _user, _event, group, transaction) => {
if (!transaction) {
return models.sequelize
.transaction((t) => {
return createTicket(numberOfPeople, _user, _event, group, t);
var promises = [];
"userId": _user.userId,
"eventId": _event.eventId,
"groupId": group ? group.groupId : null,
"datetimeStart": group ? models.sequelize.fn("NOW") : null,
"noOfPeople": numberOfPeople
{ transaction: transaction }
"isInQueue": true
{ transaction: transaction }
return Promise.all(promises);
let createTicketAndGroup = (numberOfPeople, _user, _event, transaction) => {
if (!transaction) {
return models.sequelize
.transaction((t) => {
return createTicketAndGroup(numberOfPeople, _user, _event, t);
return models.Group
eventId: _event.eventId,
totalNoOfPeople: numberOfPeople
{ transaction: transaction }
.then((group) => {
return createTicket(numberOfPeople, _user, _event, group, transaction);
* This code was extracted from
* The underlying library Accuser uses function chaining so that an instance of new worker can be defined
* using method chaining. In some cases, like how jQuery uses it, it can allow the developer to read the
* chain English-alike.
var utility = require('../utility');
module.exports = function(accuser, repoName) {
var repo = accuser.addRepository('se-edu', repoName);
.filter(function(repository, issue){
// ensure that we only work with PRs that do not have an assignee
return issue.pull_request;
.do(function(repository, issue) {
console.log("Looking at se-edu PR #" + issue.number);
var result = utility._titleRegex.exec(issue.title);
if (result === null) {
console.log("Commenting and closing se-edu " + repoName + " PR #" + issue.number);
accuser.comment(repository, issue, "This PR should be against a repo in the org [nus-cs2103-AY1617S1](, "
+ "not against the repo in se-edu org :-)\n\nClosing ..."
+ "\n\nNote: this comment is posted by a bot. If you believe this is done in error, please"
+ " create an issue at [cs2103-pr-bot]( and add a link to this PR.");
accuser.close(repository, issue);
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