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Last active October 21, 2022 13:58
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BB Benchmarks
(ns binarytrees)
(defn bottom-up-tree [item depth]
(if (> depth 0)
[(bottom-up-tree (dec (* 2 item)) (dec depth))
(bottom-up-tree (* 2 item) (dec depth))
[nil nil item]))
(defn item-check [i]
(if (nth i 0)
(+ (nth i 2) (item-check (nth i 0)) (- (item-check (nth i 1))))
(nth i 2)))
(defn iterate-trees [mx mn d]
(println (* 2 (bit-shift-left 1 (int (+ mx mn (- d))))) "\t trees of depth " d "\t check: "
(reduce + (map (fn [i]
(+ (item-check (bottom-up-tree i d))
(item-check (bottom-up-tree (- i) d))))
(range 1 (inc (bit-shift-left 1 (int (+ mx mn (- d))))))))))
(def min-depth 4)
(defn main [max-depth]
(let [stretch-depth (inc max-depth)
tree (bottom-up-tree 0 stretch-depth)
check (item-check tree)]
(println "stretch tree of depth " stretch-depth "\t check:" check)
(let [long-lived-tree (bottom-up-tree 0 max-depth)]
(doseq [d (range min-depth stretch-depth 2)]
(iterate-trees max-depth min-depth d))
(println "long lived tree of depth " max-depth "\t check: %d" (item-check long-lived-tree)))))
(let [n 15
max-depth (if (> (+ min-depth 2) n) (+ min-depth 2) n)]
(main max-depth))

Run the same code 3 times, get the best result

Code bb v0.10.163 bb v0.10.164 nbb Lumo Cherry Squint Shadow-CLJS Compiled
with-record 11380 ms 10480 ms 26700 ms 2410 ms --- --- 438 ms
with-vectors 8960 ms 6800 ms 23150 ms 3800 ms 1680 ms --- 1320 ms
with-js-vectors --- --- 25910 ms 3300 ms 1070 ms --- 378 ms
bb-optimized 3670 ms 3580 ms 7200 ms 3720 ms 1760 ms --- 1390 ms

For squint, it does compile but displays the wrong result; for Chery, it does not yet support defrecord

To have some comparisson, I changed the squint code in the last (bb-optimized) example to replace bit_shit_left with << and remove int$ so the code at least can run. I also compiled replacing doseq's range with (vec (range...)) - this gives me 352 ms

(ns binarytrees)
(defn bottom-up-tree [item depth]
(if (> depth 0)
#js [(bottom-up-tree (dec (* 2 item)) (dec depth))
(bottom-up-tree (* 2 item) (dec depth))
#js [nil nil item]))
(defn item-check [[left right item]]
(if (nil? left)
(+ item (item-check left) (- (item-check right)))))
(defn iterate-trees [mx mn d]
(let [iterations (bit-shift-left 1 (int (+ mx mn (- d))))]
(println (* 2 iterations) "\t trees of depth " d "\t check: "
(reduce + (map (fn [i]
(+ (item-check (bottom-up-tree i d))
(item-check (bottom-up-tree (- i) d))))
(range 1 (inc iterations)))))))
(def min-depth 4)
(defn main [max-depth]
(let [stretch-depth (inc max-depth)]
(let [tree (bottom-up-tree 0 stretch-depth)
check (item-check tree)]
(println "stretch tree of depth " stretch-depth "\t check:" check))
(let [long-lived-tree (bottom-up-tree 0 max-depth)]
(doseq [d (range min-depth stretch-depth 2)]
(iterate-trees max-depth min-depth d))
(println "long lived tree of depth " max-depth "\t check: %d" (item-check long-lived-tree)))))
(let [n 15
max-depth (if (> (+ min-depth 2) n) (+ min-depth 2) n)]
(main max-depth))
(ns binarytrees)
(defrecord TreeNode [left right ^int item])
(defn bottom-up-tree [item depth]
(if (> depth 0)
(bottom-up-tree (dec (* 2 item)) (dec depth))
(bottom-up-tree (* 2 item) (dec depth))
(TreeNode. nil nil item)))
(defn item-check [node]
(if (nil? (:left node))
(:item node)
(+ (:item node) (item-check (:left node)) (- (item-check (:right node))))))
(defn iterate-trees [mx mn d]
(let [iterations (bit-shift-left 1 (int (+ mx mn (- d))))]
(println (* 2 iterations) "\t trees of depth " d "\t check: "
(reduce + (map (fn [i]
(+ (item-check (bottom-up-tree i d))
(item-check (bottom-up-tree (- i) d))))
(range 1 (inc iterations)))))))
(def min-depth 4)
(defn main [max-depth]
(let [stretch-depth (inc max-depth)]
(let [tree (bottom-up-tree 0 stretch-depth)
check (item-check tree)]
(println "stretch tree of depth " stretch-depth "\t check:" check))
(let [long-lived-tree (bottom-up-tree 0 max-depth)]
(doseq [d (range min-depth stretch-depth 2)]
(iterate-trees max-depth min-depth d))
(println "long lived tree of depth " max-depth "\t check: %d" (item-check long-lived-tree)))))
(let [n 15
max-depth (if (> (+ min-depth 2) n) (+ min-depth 2) n)]
(main max-depth))
(ns binarytrees)
(defn bottom-up-tree [item depth]
(if (> depth 0)
[(bottom-up-tree (dec (* 2 item)) (dec depth))
(bottom-up-tree (* 2 item) (dec depth))
[nil nil item]))
(defn item-check [[left right item]]
(if (nil? left)
(+ item (item-check left) (- (item-check right)))))
(defn iterate-trees [mx mn d]
(let [iterations (bit-shift-left 1 (int (+ mx mn (- d))))]
(println (* 2 iterations) "\t trees of depth " d "\t check: "
(reduce + (map (fn [i]
(+ (item-check (bottom-up-tree i d))
(item-check (bottom-up-tree (- i) d))))
(range 1 (inc iterations)))))))
(def min-depth 4)
(defn main [max-depth]
(let [stretch-depth (inc max-depth)]
(let [tree (bottom-up-tree 0 stretch-depth)
check (item-check tree)]
(println "stretch tree of depth " stretch-depth "\t check:" check))
(let [long-lived-tree (bottom-up-tree 0 max-depth)]
(doseq [d (range min-depth stretch-depth 2)]
(iterate-trees max-depth min-depth d))
(println "long lived tree of depth " max-depth "\t check: %d" (item-check long-lived-tree)))))
(let [n 15
max-depth (if (> (+ min-depth 2) n) (+ min-depth 2) n)]
(main max-depth))
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