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Created November 1, 2016 09:22
Show Gist options
  • Save mattsson/e15f62789661bf7b6e1941be1308d4ba to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mattsson/e15f62789661bf7b6e1941be1308d4ba to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
gatt handles = [
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"startHandle": 1,
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] +0ms
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bleno stateChange poweredOn +0ms
State: poweredOn
Will start advertising...
gap startAdvertising: name = BLE Peripheral, serviceUuids = [
] +16ms
gap startAdvertisingWithEIRData: advertisement data = 0201061106b188fe25cec53d8efb448247adc3e361, scan data = 0f08424c45205065726970686572616c +2ms
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Did start advertising...
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] +4ms
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Did set services...
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hci cid = 4 +0ms
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hci handle = 64 +1ms
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Central subscribed to analysis data! Will send first data.
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Did get indication. Will update value.
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hci write acl data pkt - writing: 02400013000f000400090d03007261737062657272797069 +0ms
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