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Created April 8, 2016 17:28
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  • Save mattraibert/0c251d577e9056c5228810f563de4d3b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mattraibert/0c251d577e9056c5228810f563de4d3b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

TL;DR (bash script edition)

If you want to get started quickly, run the following. Read below for more information.

brew install --cocoa --srgb emacs
brew install the_silver_searcher

mkdir -p tmp
pushd tmp

mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
echo 'export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc #replace bashrc if you use a different shell
curl | tar xz
mv stack-binary/stack ~/.local/bin && rmdir stack-binary
chmod +x ~/.local/bin/stack

rmdir tmp

pushd ~
stack install hlint stylish-haskell
git clone .emacs-config
cd .emacs-config && make



Install Emacs 24.5 from

brew install the_silver_searcher for a faster grep - it is used by our emacs config.

Much more is on the [[Emacs|Emacs]] page!

Alternately, you can also use brew to install emacs: brew install --cocoa --srgb emacs ~Matt


There is a book we have: haskell-programming-v0.7.0.pdf

And another one!

maybe_haskell.pdf maybe_haskell.epub


Stack is a project / dependency management tool similar to bundler for Ruby.

You can download stack from:

  • Check your PATH: echo $PATH. If it doesn't have /Users/you/.local/bin then: mkdir -p ~/.local/bin && echo 'export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc (replace .bashrc with .zshrc if you use zsh!).
  • Unzip the binary and move the program inside the resulting folder to ~/.local/bin: tar xvzf stack-binary-2015-10-23.tar.gz && mv stack-binary/stack ~/.local/bin
  • Make sure it is executable: chmod +x ~/.local/bin/stack

Setup of environment

Advice as of 2015/10/23 (dbp)!!!

  • Before you run stack, setup the resolver version by creating ~/.stack/global/stack.yaml with the following content:
flags: {}
packages: []
extra-deps: []
resolver: lts-3.10
  • Setup stack (downloads GHC, the haskell compiler) by running stack setup.

  • Install hlint (good style suggestions) and stylish-haskell (automatic reformatting): cd ~ && stack install hlint stylish-haskell

  • Get emacs config: git clone (you can put it anywhere).

  • Install emacs config: cd emacs-config && make

Now start emacs and it should install and set up stuff to make Haskell work. The first time you open a project it'll install a bunch of stuff.

To setup emacs as a haskell IDE try [[here|Emacs Haskell IDE setup (including wai devel)]]

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