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Last active July 15, 2017 17:57
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Save mattpodwysocki/5414036 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Implementation of QuickSort using ES6 features
// Using comprehensions
function sort(arr) {
var pivot, t;
if (arr.length === 0) {
return [];
[pivot, t] = [arr[0], arr.slice(1)];
return sort([x for (x of t) if x < pivot])
.concat(sort([x for (x of t) if x >= pivot]));
// Using arrows with filter
function sort(arr) {
var pivot, t;
if (arr.length === 0) {
return [];
[pivot, t] = [arr[0], arr.slice(1)];
return sort(t.filter(x => x < pivot))
.concat(sort(t.filter(x => x >= pivot)));
// Erlang equivalent
sort([Pivot|T]) ->
sort([ X || X <- T, X < Pivot]) ++
[Pivot] ++
sort([ X || X <- T, X >= Pivot]);
sort([]) -> [].
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domenic commented Apr 18, 2013

[x for (x of t) if x < pivot]
t.filter(x => x < pivot)


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Sure, I suppose I could have used arrow functions with filter for each instead of comprehensions

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Updated with alternate version. A better way of destructuring though?

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EggDice commented Jan 14, 2014

you don't really need concat neater.

function sort(arr) {
    if (!arr.length) {
        return [];
    let pivot = arr.pop();
    return [
         ...sort([x for (x of arr) if x < pivot]),
         ...sort([x for (x of arr) if x >= pivot])

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