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Created December 4, 2014 15:32
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A syntactic-reduction-based interpreter for the lambda-calculus
#lang racket
; A simple CBV syntactic reduction machine for the lamda-calculus.
; + numbers
; <exp> ::= <var>
; | <num>
; | (λ (<var>) <exp>)
; | (+ <exp> <exp>)
; | (<exp> <exp>)
; <var> is a single symbol
; Example: ((λ (f) (f f)) (λ (g) (g g)))
; Substitution (!not capture-avoiding!)
; {a/v}n => n
; {a/v}v => a
; {a/v}v' => v' (v' != v)
; {a/v}(λ (v) e) => (λ (v) e)
; {a/v}(λ (v') e) => (λ (v') {a/v}e) (v' != v)
; {a/v}(+ f e) => (+ {a/v}f {a/v}e)
; {a/v}(f e) => ({a/v}f {a/v}e)
(define (sub var arg exp)
(match exp
[(? number?) exp]
[(? symbol?) (if (eq? var exp)
[`(λ (,v) ,e) (if (eq? v var)
`(λ (,v) ,e)
`(λ (,v) ,(sub var arg e)))]
[`(+ ,e1 ,e2) `(+ ,(sub var arg e1)
,(sub var arg e2))]
[`(,f ,e) `(,(sub var arg f)
,(sub var arg e))]))
; β-reduction
; ((λ (v) e) a) => {a/v}e
(define (β exp)
(match exp
[`((λ (,v) ,e) ,a)
(sub v a e)]))
(define (atom? exp)
(match exp
[`(λ (,_) ,_) #t]
[(? number?) #t]
[(? symbol?) #t]
[else #f]))
; call-by-value (strict) reduction:
(define (reduce exp)
(match exp
[(? symbol?) exp]
[(? number?) exp]
[`(λ (,v) ,e) exp]
[`(+ ,(and e1 (? number?)) ,(and e2 (? number?)))
(+ e1 e2)]
[`(+ ,e1 ,e2)
`(+ ,(reduce e1) ,(reduce e2))]
[`((λ (,v1) ,e1) ,(? atom?))
(β exp)]
[`((λ (,v1) ,e1) ,a)
`((λ (,v1) ,e1) ,(reduce a))]
[`(,f ,a)
`(,(reduce f) ,a)]))
; reduce* reduces until there's no more:
(define (reduce* exp)
(define next (reduce exp))
(if (equal? exp next)
(reduce* next)))
; Example:
(reduce* `((λ (x) (+ x 3)) 10))
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