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Last active June 1, 2022 12:26
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Check whether parens are matched in a string
import re
from hypothesis import strategies as st, given, assume, note, example
from typing import List, Optional
def is_balanced(mystr):
if len(mystr) % 2 != 0:
return False
stack = []
for i in mystr:
if i == '(':
elif i == '[':
elif i == '{':
if len(stack) == 0 or stack[-1] != i:
return False
return len(stack) == 0
def is_balanced_brute_force_no_regex(text: str):
while (new_text := text.replace(
'()', '').replace('[]', '').replace('{}', '')) != text:
text = new_text
return text == ''
def is_balanced_brute_force(text: str):
while (new_text := re.sub(r'\(\)|{}|\[\]', '', text)) != text:
text = new_text
return text == ''
PAIRS = {'(': ')', '[': ']', '{': '}'}
def is_balanced_matthias(mystr: str):
stack: List[Optional[str]] = [None]
for c in mystr:
if c == stack[-1]:
return len(stack) == 1
def extend(part):
"""This meta-strategy extends a partial strategy to one that can:
- repeat the partial strategy
- or put various parens around it
return (st.lists(part, min_size=2).map(''.join)
| s: f"({s})")
| s: f"[{s}]")
| s: f"{{{s}}}")
# This strategy only produced balanced strings.
# Balanced strings are basically either the empty string,
# or an already balanced string that we are extending.
# Try in the REPL:
# >>> create_balanced.example()
# '{(({}{}(){}))}'
# >>> create_balanced.example()
# '({{{({})({})}}})'
create_balanced = st.recursive(st.just(''), extend)
def test_balanced(s):
assert is_balanced(s)
assert is_balanced_matthias(s)
assert is_balanced_brute_force(s)
# Here we either create random strings,
# or we deliberately create a balanced string.
parens = st.text(alphabet="()[]{}x") | create_balanced
@ given(s=parens)
def test_against_reference_implementation(s):
assert is_balanced_brute_force(s) == is_balanced(s)
def reverse_parens(s):
"""Turns eg '(hello {w]orld)' into '(dlro[w} olleh)'
Ie we reverse the string, and flip all the parens.
The input doesn't have to be balanced."""
parens = {'(': ')', ')': '(', '[': ']', ']': '[', '{': '}', '}': '{'}
return ''.join(parens.get(c, c) for c in reversed(s))
@ given(text=parens)
def test_reverse(text):
"""'Reversing' a string shouldn't change whether it's balanced or not."""
reverse_text = reverse_parens(text)
note(f"reverse_text: {reverse_text}")
assert is_balanced(text) == is_balanced(reverse_text)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# print(create_balanced.example())
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