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Created December 7, 2021 10:23
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Compare schema's of two databases. Variables need to be added to the script by passing them as variables or loading them in another way. Description in gist comments.
#Rrequired_parameters to be supplied
# - target_db
# - target_db_new
# - target_port
# - pg_user
# Produced output
# - List of all tables that were added (in new db, but not in old)
# - List of all tables that were removed ( in old db, but not in new)
# - List of all fields that were added in existing tables
# - List of all already existing fields that changed types
# The script compares 1 DB to another on the schema level.
# There is the old DB $target_db, and the new db $target_db_new.
# In the context that this was written a diff report was set up
# after applying the schema to a new database. This made sense
# because it was going to be done anyway. It is in the context
# of upgrading test instances of a database that may have slightly
# separate lives to the current production schema.
# Create temp files
# Define log file
# Long SQL statements
dbold_qry="\\copy (select table_schema, \
table_name, \
column_name as col_name, \
data_type as col_type \
from information_schema.columns \
where table_schema in ('public', 'fifr') \
order by table_schema asc, \
table_name asc, \
column_name asc) \
to '${dbold_csv}' \
with (format csv, delimiter ',', FORCE_QUOTE *)"
dbnew_qry="\\copy (select table_schema, \
table_name, \
column_name as col_name, \
data_type as col_type \
from information_schema.columns \
where table_schema in ('public', 'fifr') \
order by table_schema asc, \
table_name asc, \
column_name asc) \
to '${dbnew_csv}' \
with (format csv, delimiter ',', FORCE_QUOTE *)"
dboldcount_qry="do \
\$\$ \
declare \
temprow record; \
lcount numeric; \
countqry text; \
begin \
drop table if exists tmp_linecounts; \
create temp table if not exists tmp_linecounts ( \
table_schema text, \
table_name text, \
linecount numeric); \
for temprow in \
select table_schema, table_name \
from information_schema.tables \
where table_schema in ('public', 'fifr') \
order by table_schema, table_name \
loop \
execute format('select count(*) from %s.%s;', temprow.table_schema, temprow.table_name) into lcount; \
insert into tmp_linecounts (table_schema, table_name, linecount) \
values (temprow.table_schema, temprow.table_name, lcount); \
end loop; \
end; \
\$\$; \
copy (select * from tmp_linecounts) \
to '${dboldcounts_csv}' \
with (format csv, delimiter ',', FORCE_QUOTE *)";
dbnewcount_qry="do \
\$build_counts\$ \
declare \
temprow record; \
lcount numeric; \
countqry text; \
begin \
drop table if exists tmp_linecounts; \
create temp table if not exists tmp_linecounts ( \
table_schema text, \
table_name text, \
linecount numeric); \
for temprow in \
select table_schema, table_name \
from information_schema.tables \
where table_schema in ('public', 'fifr') \
order by table_schema, table_name \
loop \
execute format('select count(*) from %s.%s;', temprow.table_schema, temprow.table_name) into lcount; \
insert into tmp_linecounts (table_schema, table_name, linecount) \
values (temprow.table_schema, temprow.table_name, lcount); \
end loop; \
end; \
\$build_counts\$; copy (select * from tmp_linecounts) \
to '${dbnewcounts_csv}' \
with (format csv, delimiter ',', FORCE_QUOTE *)";
# Get data from the db's
psql -p ${target_port} \
-h localhost \
-U ${pg_user} \
-d ${target_db} \
-c "$dbold_qry"
psql -p ${qa_target_port} \
-h localhost \
-U ${qa_pg_user} \
-d ${target_db_new} \
-c "$dbnew_qry"
echo "old count"
psql -p ${target_port} \
-h localhost \
-U ${pg_user} \
-d ${target_db} \
-c "$dboldcount_qry"
echo "new count"
psql -p ${target_port} \
-h localhost \
-U ${pg_user} \
-d ${target_db_new} \
-c "$dbnewcount_qry"
# Create the SQLITE DB
createdb_qry="create table db_current (\
table_schema text, \
table_name text, \
col_name text, \
col_type text); \
create table db_new (\
table_schema text, \
table_name text, \
col_name text, \
col_type text);\
create table db_current_counts (\
table_schema text,\
table_name text,\
linecount numeric);\
create table db_new_counts (\
table_schema text,\
table_name text,\
linecount numeric);"
sqlite3 $db "$createdb_qry"
# Load CSV files to the tables
sqlite3 $db -cmd ".mode csv" -cmd ".separator ','" ".import $dbold_csv db_current";
sqlite3 $db -cmd ".mode csv" -cmd ".separator ','" ".import $dbnew_csv db_new";
sqlite3 $db -cmd ".mode csv" -cmd ".separator ','" ".import $dboldcounts_csv db_current_counts";
sqlite3 $db -cmd ".mode csv" -cmd ".separator ','" ".import $dbnewcounts_csv db_new_counts";
echo ""
echo "Tables that are no longer in new db:"
echo "(Empty when no results)"
sqlite3 $db \
-cmd ".header on" \
-cmd ".mode column" \
-cmd ".width 15 50" \
"select table_schema, table_name from db_current where table_schema||'.'||table_name not in (select distinct table_schema||'.'||table_name from db_new) group by table_schema, table_name;"
echo ""
echo "Tables that are added in the new db:"
echo "(Empty when no results)"
sqlite3 $db \
-cmd ".header on" \
-cmd ".mode column" \
-cmd ".width 15 50" \
"select table_schema, table_name from db_new where table_schema||'.'||table_name not in (select distinct table_schema||'.'||table_name from db_current) group by table_schema, table_name;"
echo ""
echo "Added fields for existing tables in the new db:"
echo "(Empty when no results)"
sqlite3 $db \
-cmd ".header on" \
-cmd ".mode column" \
-cmd ".width 15 30 30" \
"select dbnew.table_schema, dbnew.table_name, dbnew.col_name from db_new dbnew left join db_current dbold on dbnew.table_schema = dbold.table_schema and dbnew.table_name = dbold.table_name and dbnew.col_name = dbold.col_name where dbold.col_name is null and dbnew.table_name in (select distinct table_name from db_current);"
echo ""
echo "Changed fields types in the new db:"
echo "(Empty when no results)"
sqlite3 $db \
-cmd ".header on" \
-cmd ".mode column" \
-cmd ".width 15 30 30" \
"select dbnew.table_schema, dbnew.table_name, dbnew.col_name, dbnew.col_type col_type_new, dbold.col_type col_type_old from db_new dbnew left join db_current dbold on dbnew.table_schema = dbold.table_schema and dbnew.table_name = dbold.table_name and dbnew.col_name = dbold.col_name where dbold.col_type <> dbnew.col_type;"
echo ""
echo "Removed fields in the new db:"
echo "(Empty when no results)"
sqlite3 $db \
-cmd ".header on" \
-cmd ".mode column" \
-cmd ".width 15 30 30" \
"select dbnew.table_schema, dbnew.table_name, dbnew.col_name, dbnew.col_type col_type_new from db_current dbold left join db_new dbnew on dbnew.table_schema = dbold.table_schema and dbnew.table_name = dbold.table_name and dbnew.col_name = dbold.col_name where dbold.col_name is null;"
echo ""
echo "Rowcounts where they are not equal"
echo "(Empty when no results)"
sqlite3 $db \
-cmd ".header on" \
-cmd ".mode column" \
-cmd ".width 15 30 30" \
"select dbnew.table_schema, \
dbnew.table_name, \
dbnew.linecount dbnew_count, \
dbold.linecount dbold_count \
from db_new_counts dbnew \
left join db_current_counts dbold \
on dbnew.table_schema = dbold.table_schema \
and dbnew.table_name = dbold.table_name \
where dbnew.linecount <> dbold.linecount \
order by dbnew.table_schema asc, \
dbnew.table_name asc;"
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