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Created February 6, 2015 18:27
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how to make mirage work
1 sudo add-apt-repository ppa:avsm/ocaml41+opam12
2 apt-add-repository
3 sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
4 sudo apt-get install build-essential
5 add-apt-repository ppa:avsm/ocaml41+opam12
6 sudo add-apt-repository ppa:avsm/ocaml41+opam12
7 sudo apt-get update
8 sudo apt-get install opam ocaml-native-compilers camlp4-extra
9 opam init
10 source .bashrc
11 sudo apt-get install libssl-dev pkg-config
12 opam install mirage -v
13 m4
14 sudo apt-get install m4
15 opam install mirage -v
16 opam init
17 mirage --version
18 git clone
19 cd mirage-skeleton/
20 cd static_website/
21 ls
22 env DHCP=true mirage configure --xen
23 lks
24 ls
25 vi www.x
26 vi www.xl
27 sudo apt-get install vim
28 ls
29 vi www.xl
30 sudo xl create www.xl -c
31 vi www.xl
32 sudo xl create www.xl -c
33 vi www.xl
34 sudo xl create www.xl -c
35 vi www.xl
36 ls
37 env DHCP=true mirage configure --xen
38 make
39 make depends
40 make depend
41 make
42 sudo xl create www.xl -c
43 #
44 cd ..
45 ls
46 cd xen/
47 ls
48 cd ..
49 ls
50 cd console/
51 ls
52 vi
53 mirage configure --xen
54 make
55 make depend
56 make
57 ls
58 sudo xl create console.xl -c
59 cd .
60 cd ..
61 cd static_website/
62 ls
63 sudo xl create www.xl -c
64 sudo xl list
65 xl --hel
66 xl --help
67 xl help
68 man xl
69 sudo xl destroy www
70 sudo xl list
71 sudo xl create www.xl -c
72 l
73 ls
74 vi
75 sudo apt-get install bridge-utils
76 ls
77 vi
78 /sbin/ifconfig
79 vi
80 vi www.xl
81 sudo xl create www.xl -c
82 history
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