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Last active June 15, 2017 15:15
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#5014 Packages and Deps
pacman -Qi
Name : steam
Version :
Description : Valve's digital software delivery system
Architecture : x86_64
Licenses : custom
Groups : None
Provides : None
Depends On : bash desktop-file-utils hicolor-icon-theme curl dbus freetype2 gdk-pixbuf2 ttf-font zenity lib32-libgl
lib32-gcc-libs lib32-libx11 lib32-libxss lib32-alsa-plugins
Optional Deps : steam-native-runtime: steam native runtime support [installed]
Required By : None
Optional For : None
Conflicts With : None
Replaces : None
Installed Size : 2.76 MiB
Packager : Levente Polyak <>
Build Date : Fri 09 Dec 2016 02:42:16 CET
Install Date : Thu 15 Jun 2017 17:06:27 CEST
Install Reason : Explicitly installed
Install Script : No
Validated By : Signature
pacman -Qi steam-native-runtime
Name : steam-native-runtime
Version :
Description : Native replacement for the Steam runtime
Architecture : x86_64
Licenses : None
Groups : None
Provides : None
Depends On : alsa-lib alsa-plugins atk cairo curl dbus-glib fontconfig freetype2 freeglut gconf gdk-pixbuf2 glew1.10
glib2 glu gtk2 libappindicator-gtk2 libcaca libcanberra libcups libcurl-compat libcurl-gnutls dbus libdrm
libgcrypt15 libice libjpeg6 libnm-glib libpng12 libpulse librtmp0 libsm libtheora libtiff4 libudev0-shim
libusb libva libvorbis libvpx1.3 libwrap libxcomposite libxcursor libxft libxi libxinerama libxmu
libxrandr libxrender libxtst libxxf86vm nspr nss openal openssl-1.0 pango sdl sdl2 sdl2_image
sdl2_mixer sdl2_ttf sdl_image sdl_mixer sdl_ttf librsvg vulkan-icd-loader lib32-alsa-lib lib32-alsa-plugins
lib32-atk lib32-cairo lib32-curl lib32-dbus-glib lib32-fontconfig lib32-freetype2 lib32-freeglut lib32-gconf
lib32-gdk-pixbuf2 lib32-glew1.10 lib32-glib2 lib32-glu lib32-gtk2 lib32-libappindicator-gtk2 lib32-libcaca
lib32-libcanberra lib32-libcups lib32-libcurl-compat lib32-libcurl-gnutls lib32-dbus lib32-libdrm
lib32-libgcrypt15 lib32-libice lib32-libjpeg6 lib32-libnm-glib lib32-libpng12 lib32-libpulse lib32-librtmp0
lib32-libsm lib32-libtheora lib32-libtiff4 lib32-libudev0-shim lib32-libusb lib32-libva lib32-libvorbis
lib32-libvpx1.3 lib32-libwrap lib32-libxcomposite lib32-libxcursor lib32-libxft lib32-libxi lib32-libxinerama
lib32-libxmu lib32-libxrandr lib32-libxrender lib32-libxtst lib32-libxxf86vm lib32-nspr lib32-nss
lib32-openal lib32-openssl-1.0 lib32-pango lib32-sdl lib32-sdl2 lib32-sdl2_image lib32-sdl2_mixer
lib32-sdl2_ttf lib32-sdl_image lib32-sdl_mixer lib32-sdl_ttf
Optional Deps : None
Required By : None
Optional For : steam
Conflicts With : None
Replaces : steam-libs
Installed Size : 25.00 KiB
Packager : Maxime Gauduin <>
Build Date : Fri 26 May 2017 11:32:02 CEST
Install Date : Thu 15 Jun 2017 17:08:48 CEST
Install Reason : Explicitly installed
Install Script : No
Validated By : Signature
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