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Created April 29, 2020 08:23
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My own version of Fold Comments Sublime Package
from sublime import Region, Settings, load_settings
import sublime_plugin
from itertools import tee, chain
from itertools import izip as zip
except ImportError: # will be 3.x series
def previous_and_current(iterable, *iterables):
Includes the previous value of iterable in iteration
> previous_and_current([1,2,3])
=> (None, 1)
=> (1, 2)
=> (2, 3)
prevs, items = tee(iterable, 2)
# Offset for the first element, since has no previous value
prevs = chain([None], prevs)
return zip(prevs, items, *iterables)
def is_comment_multi_line(view, region):
return len(view.lines(region)) > 1
def normalize_comment(view, region):
# A multi
# line
# commment
initial_point = region.begin()
start_point = initial_point
start_char = view.substr(start_point)
# A one line comment
i = 0
while (start_point > 0 and start_char != "\n"):
if not (view.substr(start_point-1).isspace()):
start_point = initial_point
start_point = start_point - 1 # A simple comment
start_char = view.substr(start_point)
# A one line comment without newline
region = Region(start_point, region.end())
print(view.substr(region).replace("\n", "\\n"))
if is_comment_multi_line(view, region):
return normalize_multiline_comment(view, region)
return normalize_singleline_comment(view, region)
def normalize_singleline_comment(view, region):
Since single line comments include the newline
if we don't explicitly make sure newline is kept
out of the fold indicator, it will munge together
with code. Example:
// This is an example comment
function foo() {
(..) function foo() {
When what we really want is to keep the fold
on it's own line, like so:
function foo() {
region_str = view.substr(region)
last_newline = region_str.rfind('\n')
if (last_newline == -1):
# Single-line block comments don't include
# their newline.
# /* foo bar baz */ <-- like this
return region
return Region(region.begin(), region.begin() + last_newline)
def normalize_multiline_comment(view, region):
This is needed since in some languages it seems
the boundaries for proper block-comments
and chained single-line comments differ. The
chaines single-line comments have the last point
( .end() .b etc) of their region set to the subsequent line,
while the block comments have it set to the last char
of their last line.
Example where the @ char signifies
the last endpoint:
* This is an example comment
*/@ <---
function foobar() {
// This is an example comment
@function foobar() { <---
What we do to fix this is not to use the boundaries
for the regions, but instead use the last line
for the region - which seems to have the correct end
point set.erminal
lines = view.lines(region)
last_line = lines[-1]
last_point = last_line.b
return Region(region.a, last_point)
class CommentNodes:
def __init__(self, view):
self.comments = None # collection of Region objects
self.settings = load_settings("foldcomments.sublime-settings")
self.view = view
def find_comments(self):
self.comments = [
normalize_comment(self.view, c) for c in self.view.find_by_selector('comment')
def apply_settings(self):
if not self.settings.get('fold_single_line_comments'):
if self.settings.get('concatenate_adjacent_comments'):
def remove_single_line_comments(self):
self.comments = [c for c in self.comments if is_comment_multi_line(self.view, c)]
def concatenate_adjacent_comments(self):
Merges any comments that are adjacent.
def concatenate(region1, region2):
return region1.cover(region2)
def is_adjacent(region1, region2):
region_inbetween = Region(region1.end(), region2.begin())
return len(self.view.substr(region_inbetween)) == 0
concatenated_comments = []
for prev_comment, comment in previous_and_current(self.comments):
concatenated_comment = None
# prev wont be set on first iteration
if prev_comment and is_adjacent(prev_comment, comment):
concatenated_comment = concatenate(concatenated_comments.pop(), comment)
concatenated_comments.append(concatenated_comment or comment)
self.comments = concatenated_comments
def fold(self):
def unfold(self):
def toggle_folding(self):
def is_folded(comments):
return self.view.unfold(comments[0]) # False if /already folded/
self.unfold() if is_folded(self.comments) else self.fold()
# ================================= COMMANDS ==================================
class ToggleFoldCommentsCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
print("\n-------------Begin fold comments-------------")
comments = CommentNodes(self.view)
print("--------------End fold comments--------------")
class FoldCommentsCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
comments = CommentNodes(self.view)
class UnfoldCommentsCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
comments = CommentNodes(self.view)
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