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Created August 12, 2014 15:53
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This is a standalone example demonstrating the "Failure Error" I am getting when attempting to use the ComputeProximity algorithm from GDAL.
package main
import (
func main() {
// create a two-dimensional array -- 5x7 -- all 11s except the
// point in the middle which is 31.
inx := 5
iny := 7
inprod := inx * iny
inarr := make([]int16, inprod)
for i := 0; i < inprod; i++ {
inarr[i] = 11
if i == 17 {
inarr[i] = 31
if i == 18 {
inarr[i] = 32
log.Print("inarr: ", inarr)
// mem driver!
memdrv, err1 := gdal.GetDriverByName("MEM")
if err1 != nil {
// create a source band from that array
srcDS := memdrv.Create("src", inx, iny, 1, gdal.Int16, nil)
srcBand := srcDS.RasterBand(1)
err2 := srcBand.IO(gdal.Write, 0, 0, inx, iny, inarr, inx, iny, 0, 0)
if err2 != nil && err2.Error() != "No Error" {
// create a target band
destDS := memdrv.Create("dest", inx, iny, 1, gdal.Int16, nil)
destBand := destDS.RasterBand(1)
// make a list of elements that are not 11
dmap := make(map[int16]bool)
for _, v := range inarr {
if _, ok := dmap[v]; !ok {
dmap[v] = true
not11 := []string{}
for k := range dmap {
if k != 11 {
not11 = append(not11, fmt.Sprintf("%d", k))
log.Print("not11: ", not11)
// configure options
// maxdepth := 2
// options := []string{fmt.Sprintf("MAXDIST=%d", maxdepth), fmt.Sprintf("NODATA=%d", maxdepth), fmt.Sprintf("VALUES=%s", strings.Join(not11, ","))}
// options := []string{"MAXDIST=2", "NODATA=2", "VALUES=31,32"}
options := []string{""}
// run computeproximity
err3 := srcBand.ComputeProximity(destBand, options, gdal.DummyProgress, nil)
if err3 != nil {
// get output
outarr := make([]int16, inprod)
err4 := destBand.IO(gdal.Read, 0, 0, inx, iny, outarr, inx, iny, 0, 0)
if err4 != nil {
log.Print("outarr: ", outarr)
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